Page 601 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 601



                          Notae on revenue 1064.

                     The total revenue in 1364 exceeded the revenue
                oT the previous y^ar ly <i, *6 ,'’00/- although there

                was included ir the 130o revenue    1,1c,OOU/- v.hicn
                vae the prioo of the lend told to the hritiai* ‘Jcvernnent,
                     Of the 1.3,42,000/- collected curing 1654,
                  5,68,0GG/-wns froLi royalty on oil, the rosninint
                Rj 7,74,000/- was l'ror; ordinal*; revenue.

                     The ordinary revenue durinr 1364 shows an increase
                over the ordinary raven.e of too previous year of
                Rs 64,000/-.   Of this increase n* 34,000/- was from
                customs receipts incLidiiif. boat ami ;;varl ir*r licenses
                and the remaining r’ 30,000/- u\s an increase in collec­

                tions from all other ai;.j*ou:. of revenue such es passport
                fees land r&ta etc. etc.
                        Notes on expand iture 1304.

                     The total expenditure in 1364 2,10,0u0/-

                more than tne expenditure duriot tne previouo year.
                Of this increased expenditure Rs l,by,j0u/- was the
                one third of the royalty f 1*021 oil union is paid to
                the privy purBe of the .lulor; approximately r- 14,000/-

                was  the restoration of the cuts in pay and Civil hist
                which were restored throe j-ionths before tae end of
                the year.   There also increased expenditure on
                 State protection, uuforseou expenditure and some of
                the public services including medical anu education.
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