Page 606 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 606
the Budget for year 1J55 but this figure i8 more
thorn two lacs less than th6 realist customs
revenue for lb5b. It can be ttJBUiWd that tne
customs department will uore tlian fulfill ay
: I ooB9 now to other sources of revenue
which together only total ”s 60,000/- in the Budget.
Aotuolly last year over Ks 00,000/- was collected from
these sourcea but without increusing any of those
taxes whioh consist mostly of fees and licensee,
it is unlikely that there will be any considerable
change under these headings, except from the interest
a on the Reserve whioh I hope to be able to increase.
I am confident that if it was neoessary more revenue
oould be obtained from several of the earning depart
ments such as the Land, Passport and Judioial Depart
ments where the feee and charges new levied are very
loe in oomparison to similar institutions elsewhere,
but though the oouutry is muoli more prosperous than
it was a year or two ago I do not think it would be
reasonable to in arouse any fora of taxation.
The total estimated revenue is S-, 22,1G,0UU/-
this is about eight laos more thn* the most prosperous
year in the history of Bahrain's finances */hon the
pearl industry was flourishing the years of
3. fcflnsnditure.
The expenditure is divido^ ^to two parts,
recurrent expenditure, whioh is * * °°®t 0f adainis-
teri»€ ^ protecting the coufltf^^ Maintaining the
Ruling Itoily ^ ^oi#1 1'rojo<’ ^ioh include a
the new -—