Page 609 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 609

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                  approximately 9,22,000/- slightly less than
                  the sun allowed for this purpose in the Budget
                  for 1355.

                         In addition to this 58,000/- wus spout
                  on the visit of his Highness ohaixh Gir Hamad
                  to England, this expenditure was not provided
                  for in the Budget as when the Budget was made

                  the visit had not been definitely decided upon.
                         The expenditure of ?r. 1,64,000/- was pro­
                  vided for in the supplementury Budget for 1355,
                  but actually Pi 2,33,000/- was spent,   The pro-

                  bability of this further expenditure under this
                  heading was envisaged iu my report on the Budget
                  for 1355, page 5, paragraph one.
                         Of this amount Rs 56,000/- was spent on
                  the new one tons house and enlarging the pier space,

                 fts 88,000/- was spent on completing the Uanamah -
                 Muharaq road upto the channel including a oertai n
                 amount of filling in tiic channel, Rs 15,000/- was
                 spent on road construction including the new liaikiauh -

                 Budeya road, and 49,000/- was spent on building
                 shops on government land in tho bazaar, on two new
                 dispensaries, u barrack room at the Fort, s wall
                 round Lianaaah i^ilnoe, reclamation of the sewer in
                 Kedd and various smaller buildings, ropairs and

                 extensions.    Tho oosi of the Public ..orks Depart­
                 ment establishment was i-s 12,'JU0/-.   Filling pits
                 at the back of iianaoah, which during part of the

                 year collect stagnant water and breed aoiquitocs
                 oost Ri 7,000/-.
                         6.   Alumni all the money expended during
                 the year with the exception of the visit to '..ngland
                 has been spent locally and undoubtedly most ol it
                                                                Has —
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