Page 607 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 607

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                      the new hospital| the proposed new palaoe and
                      various projects sons of which have already been
                             The largest item of expenditure is
                      h 9020,000/- which is the Civil List and the

                      on© third of the total oil revenue which ic paid
                      to the Privy Purse of the liuler*   The last item
                      varies according to the auount of royalty and as
                      I have stated the royalty will certainly be much

                      more than the amount I have estimated*
                             The expenditure on Government Departments,
                      Protection, iledioal, Public works etc* has been
                      assessed at slightly more than in the last Budget

                      in order to cover expansion in oertain direetions
                      and oertain proposed increases in the Government
                      staff.   The total recurrent expenditure, includ-
                      ing the Civil List but not including l/3rd royalty

                     is only half a lao more than the actual revenue
                     in 1355 from all sources other than oil revenue*
                     Assuming that the non oil revenue for Ih56 is not
                     less than during 1355 it is evident that the otute
                     could be administered, as it is now, without the

                     oil revenue*
                            I can count upon there being a surplus of
                     three and a half lacs at the end of the yoar and
                     1 am confident that this surplus will be greatly

                     in excess of my expectation*
                            4*   he serve Fund*
                            At the end of year 1355 the Reserve fund
                     was increased from two laos to four laos.     At the
                     beginning of 1356 the litate had a balance of
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