Page 605 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 605


                         No. 435/JF. of 1356
                         Office of the .idviser to
                          the Goveriuaent, Buhrain.
                         Dated. K/nwal 21.    1366
                               5ay 31, 133?.

                        Co Dalrymple Delgrave, Esquire, C.b.*-.,

                                 adviser to the Government,
                        Hie Britannic Uajesty’s Political Agent,


                        I have the honour to forward for your infor­
                 mation a copy of the Budget for the nrabio year 1356
                 (March 13, 1937 - haroh 3, 1338) and a statement of

                 revenue and expenditure for year 1355 (March 24,1936 -
                 Haroh 13, 1937). This is the twelfth Budget which
                 I have had the honour of presenting.
                        2. The Budget. Revenue.
                        The income from the oil royalty has now super­

                seded customs roceipts as the chief source of revenue.
                In taking into account the revenue from oil 1 have
                inoluded only the aotual royalty due to the -.tate from
                shipments already made until the end of 1355. The

                revenue fron this souroe will undoubtedly be very muoh
                greater than the sun I have estimated.
                        I have anticipated one luo more revenue from
                customs receipts than the aaount which 1 expected in
                                                            the —

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