Page 605 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 605
No. 435/JF. of 1356
Office of the .idviser to
the Goveriuaent, Buhrain.
Dated. K/nwal 21. 1366
5ay 31, 133?.
Co Dalrymple Delgrave, Esquire, C.b.*-.,
adviser to the Government,
Hie Britannic Uajesty’s Political Agent,
I have the honour to forward for your infor
mation a copy of the Budget for the nrabio year 1356
(March 13, 1937 - haroh 3, 1338) and a statement of
revenue and expenditure for year 1355 (March 24,1936 -
Haroh 13, 1937). This is the twelfth Budget which
I have had the honour of presenting.
2. The Budget. Revenue.
The income from the oil royalty has now super
seded customs roceipts as the chief source of revenue.
In taking into account the revenue from oil 1 have
inoluded only the aotual royalty due to the -.tate from
shipments already made until the end of 1355. The
revenue fron this souroe will undoubtedly be very muoh
greater than the sun I have estimated.
I have anticipated one luo more revenue from
customs receipts than the aaount which 1 expected in
the —