Page 608 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 608

606                    -4-

                                                            of r' 4,79,000/- in addition to Uue four lacs

                                                            deserve Fund.   (Jut of tLia balance 4,11,762/-
                                                            (£30,000/-) has boon invested in 3i,, Britisn .,ur
                                                            Loan which increases the Reserve i’Und to approxi­

                                                            mately 8,12,000/-.
                                                                   5* Motes on 1^55 revenue.
                                                                   Custom* revenuo was 1,83,000/- more than
                                                            during pluvious year. The satisfactory increase
                                                            reflects the improved condition of trade in Bahrain

                                                            which is mainly duo to the oil industry. During
                                                            part of the year as many as 6,C0Q labourers were
                                                             in the employment of the Bahrain Petroleum Company
                                                            and moat of their earnings were spent in the Bahrain

                                                            baxaars. The influx of Luropeuns and highly paid
                                                            Aaiatioa has atiaulatcd the import of highly prioed
                                                             luxury articles auoh aa photographic material eto. etc.
                                                             The revenue from liquor alone during the year amounted
                                                             to h 14,841/-.

                                                                    The oil royalty was over a lac more than dur­
                                                             ing the previous year.
                                                                    The remaining sources of revenue show no

                                                             motioeable change except a large increase under motor
                                                             taxes which is due to the number of vehicles and
                                                             drivers employed by the Bahrain Petroleum Company.
                                                                    The aotual revenue during 1355 exoeoded the
                                                             estimate in the Budget by seven lacs, this was because

                                                             the customs receipts and oil royalty considerably
                                                             exceeded my expectations.
                                                                    Wotei on 1365 expenditure.

                                                                    The normal recurrent expenditure during 1365
                                                             whioh is the cost of administering and protecting
                                                             the oountry and providing the Civil List was appro-
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