Page 80 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 80
bud<*ot*d roT«nu« but c/r'lri/» to the political
*n* rsorrnrhlcnl position of flr.hraln »nd the
ooeoopolitnn population It la considered
uaocntlai to -viintaln an efficient forco.
Fts*rTcJ*und. -u. 2.;Q,0 j}/-* It hnn
bc^n f.oaniblo to o?t aoido trro Inca during th©
yrnr ns the bcrinalnr of n reaerve fund rhloh
niii \jz add- d to oa opportunity occurs* Th o
iten la ahown undrr expenditure In order to
alnpllfy the accounts*
Until nor the Jtotn hnn had no reoorre Pond*
it thf -nd of 1344 th«' itnte orrd lnrjrc ousno
n account of auroral bir* contracts for public
’■orks* '.▼orythlir iv o r.rr. been p»*ld off and
$he total osBotn shorn *<t ih- end of the year
arc entirely fro. fron r.ny cherpao.
vuetooa. There la little alt rollon In the
expenditure on thlo deportment*
The department collooto the whole Jtete
reronus# exo.'^pt Court fooe, and la in reality ths
rcrenun and cuatona : apartment* It is under
the direction of lir* c* dr Gronlor end n staff
of Indian und .vrab cl rJ:o* me jreoont policy
io to Lnerenee the r.uhbors of .orob cl*rks serving
in tho rarioua departn-nts but no coo*
pariooa botwoon th*’ efficiency of Indlnns and
1 comparison of the Fey nue and the cout of
nalntalalflft tho cuatoao i epnrtnont rill show that
only filo spent by the Jtntr in ooUectlrvt ths
entire rcT'nue* Tho financial t-cll—belnr of
the ..teto dopmds entirely on th<- efficiency of