Page 78 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 78


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                                                                  •:oto» on oxpondituro undor budget headings
                                                                  for 1344,

                                                                    Allowances to tho Ruling Family.  About
                                                                 one  half of the total cBtiraatod revenue la
                                                                 paid OTor yearly to tho Ruling family through
                                                                  tho CiTll Llot and various annual allowances
                                                                 at religious festivals, etc#
                                                                    This amount doea not Inoluda salaries which
                                                                 aro paid to various Shnlkhs^ln addition to
                                                                 their cllowancca,who occupy positions in tha
                                                                  such ao Magistrates, presidents of Courts,
                                                                  Aalra Etc. These payoento are included
                                                                  under other headings, protection. Judicial &o.
                                                                    H. Sheikh Hamad Joes not ask any of the
                                                                  Ruling family to occupy positions entailing

                                                                 any work without rrlvimr to them generous
                                                                 additional salaries which they expect to retoln
                                                                 after thoy rctlrs from th-ir public dutlos in
                                                                 addition to their Civil List allowances.
                                                                    ▲ auo of Rs. 12,000/- apent on enlarging
                                                                 H. X. Shaikh Heard 'a house at Sakhlr is not
                                                                  Included under this heading but under Public

                                                                    The total amount paid to the Ruling family out
                                                                  of the State funds during 1346 was Ra.
                                                                    The total budgeted amount of revenue of
                                                                  State was Rs. 9,90,000/-, and the actual
                                                                 revenue Rs.
                                                                    In this conncotlon 1 rould montlon that should
                                                                  it be considered suitable a note remarking on
                                                                  the heavy expenditure undor this heading would
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