Page 83 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 83
Munlolpftlltlfrfl# .'.Inc lant y*ar n liunicimlity
li -o t^er. • otcblle.Vd in li-harrui:# It receives
n monthly nubeidy cf V;:. COCO/- p- r month# Thin
doublec the expenditure under thiu bonding#
lcctrlo inotallr.tlor. and ;:annne iiuharrak 7oad#
not coonoric g#
egtnfl ^felgtrotlcR ond .ottlraont loportaont#
The _ard ^cgletrctlon hcjsrtsr.r.t ban denlt with
nbout 3j'j anl^e, trn..ofcrc etc. during the your#
It in netliifectorv tc a te that the r.urib* r of
np; 11c? steadily lr.crrnaea and the publlo
nprroclute thin branch o.* the ’.ovirnraont#
The v.orJ: of the hand i'ttlencnt Leportacnt
rrhiev: la r.loo the. ..urvoy :cpsrt’inr<t hoe boon aoao-
r.hnt r^otrlctod* to Illneoo noon/.? the Indian
-i*rv yore# It carried ’ut c detailed ourtray of
the stretch of aha]low ar* betroen the lolanda of
h’eraca and iluhnrrck, r.ith a view to the
proposed soa rood between thoae lalenda#
The -.urrrj of the /wrdrna Ir. the /halifa etete
coo? “hlch has b*:en nolr.~ on for £6 yoora rno co">»
plated# rive rillafleo tarot-.'r rith their date
enrdoco r.ero surveyed 'ir.C their : ator rights rare
oot-.lod ar.d recorded#
The war’-: o:~ th- <3apartment although aoemw at
expensive rill *.*e of Inatine vnluo and will put
an end to the Incessant disputes usually between
Ara ^ end Bahamao over boundaries end Irrigation
The i,epnrtaent. la ?.el e-iulppad with modern
survey instruments which ‘.nvc rradually boon pur
cbaaed b„ the .State#