Page 89 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 89


                   balance of :     and a fuvll loco, an lncrr.ABO
                   of or nr on-. Inc on the c < bolitnco at the »uul
                   of l.V.G.
                         Aj>«irt Jr.'^ U.»: J.lectrir. JJ.«Jit contract
                   the rtato ban no financial liabilities.
                         yXP^:fJ)IT[r>,. rhc hcnainc.a for recurrent
                  expenditure are tho jw»ne tJ»is year no last .-ear
                  tut in noise conc£ tho expenui:urc hnr, increased.
                         I ha*-c only allowed a very nlitht morcin
                  for additional expenditure above the actual
                  amounts on tho paylist::.
                         Recurrent expenditure.
                         1.   Alio—nnoea to i'.ulln^ r.unily. Al-
                  thoUoh tiie estimated revenue is lun^otod at

                  P-i'm *'.4,000/- nor«= than liuit year this item still
                  absorbs very nearly half the/revenue.
                      . ntirmted Revenue from
                           nil sources.      ?-•. 10,1.0,000/-
                      AUo-umcos to ruling
                           family, 1 34b          1.15,000/-
                         Th«: amount allot tod to tids heading
                  in the nosy is Ho. 16,a00/- sore than last
                  year.   tho actual puy lists amount to r.s. 13,000/-,
                  but on every year the budgeted J i^uro has bvea
                  greatly exceeded Z have allowed Rs. 3000/- for

                  unforaeen demands.
                         If tliS civil list continuer, to increase
                  its it has during the last three yearn, it «UL1
                  in about ten years have oo«ipl<r*ed tho entire
                  revenue of the State.   Z c±*e below n comparison
                  of th»: last lour yearn.
                             year 1344    no. 4,44,000/-
                                  1341         4,34,000/-
                                  13-a6        4,6«!,GOO/-
                                  1347         ;,li..OOQ/-
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94