Page 90 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 90
88 -4-
PfptncilQiu The allotnent for pro
tection it nlitJiil; lea» ihi.i yoar owine, to a
reduction in the otrentth of the inaim Police.
Cnvemncnt Ppi>nrtg«ntii. The only
noticeable difference under thin hcadim. in the
reduction in the nllouaunt to the Land pepurtaent*
At prenent only on*: surveyor in boint. eaployed
nml until the end of luc aiuwaer no core surveyors
will be enliatcd. Lnnt y*ar :.r©vinion woo »vde
for Surrey oro all Uirou^x. the ycar*
The appointsent of t*o Ohio (^adle and a
separate Shia hc^rtc-ont, alno the incroaoea
pay of the Sunni ^nulc has noceanltated nor©
expenditure under Judicial and laqfa*
4. Education. An additional Rr.. 12,000/-
has been allowed under thin it«n for the develop
ment of technical education And alno for the
expansion of the "hi a Hcho.4 when tho lull nine
it conplcted.
The resuvinlnc it on 3 ol recurrent expendi
ture nc arc el. differ froc last year*
The exceaa of revenue over recurrent
expenditure as budgeted thio year 00 R3. 31,000/-
not a lar^in Bardin*
Social ProJncta, The actual contract
lor the electrification of I£nni<e* ie for
1 20,607/1^/8 Pounds sterling, but an additional
nnount it needed for tiic inside work on the
police ‘ana on Govonim-nt buildings.
It la encentinl theit . tho f.tato should
own a Gover.ixent hoinch. H« Shaikh h.vB now
to hire a launch when ho requires one, aa he
proaontod hia own. to the Cha k*t of Kathar two
years age*