Page 98 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 98
Botes on revenue collected.
the following is a comparison of the total revenue
o ollection^iuring the last four years.
1344 Bs. 10,62,000/fr
45 . ■ 11,92,000/-
46 # • • ■ 12,40,000/-
1347 . • • • 12,16,000/-
The following is from information supplied by the
•Director of Customs.
"Comparative statement of receipts (Customs)
Year x346. 1347.
Ss. Rs.
Steamers1 Cargoes • 6,47,903 6,25,786
Hative craft. 1,04,550 1,00,091
Parcels Duty. 22,649 25,362
Passengers1 Baggage. 37,662 53,990
Export Duty. 3,781 2,878
BJS. Duty. 73,128 78,066
Ki scellane'ous • 4,440 5,145
Import Yard. 1,64,566 1,68,127
TOTAL Rs. 10,58,679 10,59,446
"The above comparison shews an increase for 1347 over 1346
of Es.766/-.
"Steamers1 cargoes shews a decrease of Ks.22,il7/-f this
decrease is mainly due to
1. decrease in the import of ballara rice by about 5/*
2. in Bangoon rice by about 10£ and
3. in coffee by about 20jC.
In 1346 the wholesalers were well stocked! and in the last
month of 1347 there was a slump in sale price co-incident
with a falling off in the demand from the mainland, probably
owing to the present disturbed conditions, and consequently
local merchants stopped importing.I have no figures available ,
but I fear that Dubai merchants are attempting to compete