Page 331 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 331
Imports of Principal Articles by Steamers during tbe years 1932-33, 1933-34 and 1934-35.
Qoamttt. Value.
Description of Article*.
1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35
Ra_ IU. R*.
Anchors .No*. 15 2 65 10
Building materials Value 10.020 4,205 755
Cardamoms Out. 108 1S.-SOO 7.800
Carpet* Value 14400 6,400 17,600
Cartridges Boxes 20 20 62 2,600 1,600 434
Cement 7,139 24,915 10.278 24,915
Charcoal . 903 33 988 1,204 99 2,964
Cigarette paper . 301 45,150
Gal and <oal tar 60 2,815 5,510
Coffee 1,509 6,107 4,895 80.1*0 2,03,GOO 1,56,200
Giir and coir ropo 1,755 3,301
Cotton 97 148 78 1.950 1,850 7 SO
I>rugs 10.100 16,275 12,780
F*h, dried 60
Fruit, fresh and dried 528 40 144
Ground nuts 397 772 307 1,855 2,060 1,535
Ginny bags, empty 75
llud and glassware 8,76,150
Imo and ironware 8.0S5 4,245 1,649
Limes, dried 18 90
Machinery 6,600 7,200
Matches . 38,610 1,25,250 81,760
Merchandise 4,06.800
Metals 220 750
Motor care and cycles 5 5 7 9.000 7,500 10,000
02. Kerosene . Galls. 67,984 87,664 68,720 28,992 54.790 42.950
02, other cort* Valor 5,560 3.100 1^50
OU clothing 4,870 12,900 M30
Ouona Cwt. 4,873 2,663 3,250 12,996 7,225 8708
Paints and colours Valor 710 350
Petrol and benzine Galls. 1*7,816 25,190 82,136 18.146 66,495 77,005
Piece-goods Value 4,00,800 3.62,800 4,02,400
Potatoes . Cwt. 1*820
PcJscs f# 457 360 558 3.6GO 2,976
Rice 85,721 52,082 69.000 449.036 2,42.961 3,68,068
Saltpetre—India 99 100 350
Sin Sim . 210 232 1,680 1.240
Soap Value 12,042 7,960 3,773
Soda m 90
Specie 99 2474 8,000 15,685
Starch 99 4.100 400 720
Sugar loaf Cwt. 2,697 8460 7400 17,980 49463 51,920
Sugar soft 45,795 1,12,690 95,835 3,35.830 741470 5,11.136
Talow 920 550 15,824 13.850 9,900
Tamarind 220 399 1440 1,656 1,995
Tea 6,884 5/119 941 3/W.780 3,01,740 47/150
Tin her Value 1425 10,038 2424
Tobacco . Cwt. 668 24«1 13,360 1,11425 96,605
Tobacco, manofactored Value 375 1,600
Vegeta hie product* 8,790 16,100
Vermicelli Cams 400 150 3400 1400
Wbrat . Owl. 22 *106 75
Wheat floor m 318 180 1,464 462 714
Articles not specified shore 2,71416 2413 2.147
Total 2145.627 28,42,519 28,99,716