Page 334 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 334
TABLE D—contd.
Imports of Principal Articles by Steamers daring the years 1932*33, 1933*34 and 1934*35—contd.
Quantity. Value.
Articles axd kahen or countries irom which
1032 33 1933-34 1034-35 1032-33 1933-34 1934-35
Ra. R*. Rs.
Oil, other aorta—
India Value 520 400
’Iraq 700 1,400 500
rcT*ii\n Coast 4,100 440 215
Other Countries 240 800 635
Old Gothing—
India 4,850 12.000 8.950
India Cwt. 4,873 2.572 3,250 12.996 0.920 8,708
Arab Coast 91 305
Faints and Colour*—
India Value 710 310
Othor Countries 40
I’etrol and Benzine—
Persian Coast . Galls. 17.816 23,196 82.136 18,146 66,495 77.005
Arab Coast Value 1,600
India 3.41.400 3,19,810 -V19.000
•Iraq . 31,600 13,4(0 i 2,800
Terfian Coast 17.800 12,0(0 24,600
Other Countries 10.000 17,600 14,400
Arab Coast . Cwt. 10 84
India . 447 300 558 3,576 1.920 2,976
Arab Coast . 220 22 1,176 105
India 85.454 51.463 42,607 4,57,612 2*40.063 2,27.308
’Iraq . 147 r 693
Persian Coast 47 450 248 2,100
Other Countries 99 26,393 1.40,760
Sim Sim—
India . 165 232 1,320 1,240
Permian Coast 45 360
Salt pet re-
India . 99 100 350
India . . Value 2.790 1,680
•Iraq . 99 3,933 320 1,330
Other Countrias 99 6,310 54160 2.023
Arab Coast . 99 9
Persian Coast 99 420
India • 99 90
'Iraq . 2,974
India . 99 16.686
Arab Coast . 9V • 9 8,000