Page 338 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 338


                                                 TABLE F.
                  Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Crafts during the years 1932-33, 1933-34 and 1934-35.
                                                       Qt'AKTITY.            VlLCK.
               Articles and names or cock tries rnnx wmcn
                                                 1932-33  l!*33-34  1934-35  1932-33  1933 34  193435
              Animals and Birds—                                       IU.    R*.     It*.
                 ’Iraq .                   Noe.     180    172    133   5,«27  5.1 GO  3,325
                 IVrvjan Coart              rs      15                   •50
                 Arab Coast                          13    28      10    424    840
                 ’Iraq .                             2                    45            400
                 Pen-inn Coast              99       1                    30
                 Arab CoaM                           3                    30
                 Pcnian Coast                               1      3             30     150
                 Arab Coast                 rf                     1                    50
                Sbcrp aud Goats—
                 Arab Coast
                 ’Iraq .                    99      545    204    041   4.334  1,032  5,046
                 Persian Coast                      53                   402
              Arab Clo-aks—
                Arab Coast                 Bdls.            4                   400
                ’Iraq                                      25                  5,< POO
                Persian Coast               99              5                   7.-41
                India                      Value                        1,320
              Bamboo i-plit—
               India                        99                          1.885  1.012  2.000
               Arab Coast .                                                            238
               ’Iraq                       Cart.  42,748  42,584  30,546  75.719  56.772  01.092
               Persian Coast                                6   32.391           12  04.773
              Bnildinp Miteriib—
                Arab Coast                 Value                          65     30     79
               ’Iraq                                                    4,219  9,612  1,900
                Persian Coast               99                                  180
              Canoe*— *
                Arab Coast                 Noa.             3                    45
                India .                     99      18                   176           105
                Arab Coast .               Value                                 40
                ’Iraq                                                  10,261  6,000   800
                Persian Coast                                          13,003   480
                Arab Coast •               Cwt.    2,530   831          3.160  1,246
                'Iraq                                8                    12
                India                       99     9.185  1,700  2,000  14.277  2,555  2,000
                Arab Coast                          231    462    983   1,169   924   2,923
                India                             11,408  2,622  8,976  18,454  5 4144  21^021
                ’Iraq                       99      131    274           247    548
                Persian Coast               99       2     15      9      3      15     27
   333   334   335   336   337   338   339   340   341   342   343