Page 341 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 341
TABLE F—conttL
Import* of Principal Article* by Sailing Craft* during the y«nr» 1932-33, 1933-34 and 1934>3S-conf<L
QcANTrrr. Valck.
IMPORTED. 1914-35
1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1932-33 1933 34
Ra. R*. R*.
Ilcnna— 188 205
Arab Coast Value 483 700
’Iraq 375 C40
Persian Co<*st
Hidni and Skins— 4,197 1,650 2300
Arab Coast . m 125 120 60
’Iraq . 85 00
Persian Coast
Iron and Ironware— 110
Arab Coast m 1369 3,790
Mraq . 1,432 5«0
Persian Coast 99 15 10
India . ••
Other Countries
Kerosene Oil— 12 12336 12 7
Persian Coast Cafe. 20,080 24
Other Countries . Ok 186 286 124 357
Arab Coast 0 I
Limes, Dried— 648 512 1360
Arab Coast 89 4
’Iraq *• 200 1300
Other Countries 45 225
Persian Coast 9
Machinery— 20
India . Vale* 3,700 3,060 1,070
Iraq m 100 10
Arab Coast . m 100 2,000
Persian Coast m 85
Other Countries
Mata— 2.616 33«0 2352
Arab Coast . a 5343 C382 6344
Iraq 99 35
India m 477 619 569
Persian Coast
5360 150
4366 22,080 woo
Iraq m
Merchandise— 60
Arab Coast .
India . 276
Iraq » 60
Other Countries
Metals— 42 2300
Arab Coast f 177
Motor cars and Cycles— 1 10 1300 1300 10.000
Arab Coast . . Sea- 1 2 1 60 1300