Page 337 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 337

                                       TABLE E-amtd.
         Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Crafts during tbe years 1932-33,1933-34 and 1934-35 conti.

                                                Qpaatitt.              Valck.
                T)e3Cbiftio5 os Articles.
                                          1932-33  1933-34  1934-05  1932-30  1933-01  ] 934-05
                                                                 It*.   It*.    Ra.
        Fine .    .   .             Value                          G2     875    181
        Fu. h   ...                   r»                           625    975   1.50®
        Fish Maws                                                  308    175
        Fruit, Fresh and dried       99                          43,096  61,353   48,337
        Furniture .   .   •           99                                  575    715
        Grass and Hay And Straw                                  20,010  4,5-V)   5,844
        Groundnut*                  Cwt.     697    414           1,209  l,I</9
        Gunny bags empty            Value                          570   1,150  2,310
        Haberdashery .                                             30          19,510
        Henna        f                99                                 1,046
        Hide* nnd Skins                                          4,407   1,770  2,420
        Iron nnd Ironware                                        2,716   4,450  10.108
        Knroscnc Oil                CjJI*.  20,080   24     12   12,536    12      7
        Lime                        C wt_                  286     124   1,712   1.9)5
        Limes (dried)                                       98     852
        Machinery                   v^iuc                        3,885   3.160   3.100
        Mats                        Nos.                         8,972  10.6*1   10,285
        Matches .                   Value                        4,806  27,6 40  95,650
        Merchandise                                              4,306    475
        Metals .   .                                              219           2JOO
        Motor Cars                  Nos.             3      11    1,000  I.0SO  11.000
        Nut*. Dessert .             Value                         001    2.337
        Ofl, Fish .                 Ca-JCO  10,856  14,344  6,650  34,625  43,032  16.950
        Oil, other aorta            Value                                       9.512
        Onions                      C-**.   3,808  4,453  4,416                 9.117
        Paper                       Value
        Pepper   .   .   .          Cwt.             74
        Petrol   .   .              Galls.  2.436
        Piecegooda                  Value                        23,808  13,130  60.100
        Pulses                      C-Wt.   4,877  5,633         17,536  15,069
        Rafters                     Nos.          35,400                15,488
        P.ceds                      Brils.   77                   770     616
        Rke                         Cwt.    5,662  13,035  11,081  28,930  60,859  59.204
        Rosewater                  Carboys   G54    090    901   2,672   2,762  2^80
        Sa3 Cloth                   Value                        2,908   6,265  6.050
        Salt ....                   Cwt.     953          1.278   379            6 70
        Sim Sim .   .   •           Value                        2,209   1,835  1.777
        Sewing Machines             Nos.      2      7             80    1,050
        Soap ...                    Value                         335     640      7
        Spices ...                                                        800    165
        Sugar, Loaf                  Cwt.    150    700    225    850    4.203  1.600
        Sugar, Soft                          438           133   3,600           872
        Tallow .                             224    373    221   4,128   4,772  3.972
        Tamarind   .   .                                  5,961  39,198  24,955  18.405
        Tanning Powder              Value                                       1.004
        Tw •   #   •   •             Cwt.           100      2    1,995          100
        Tobacco .                                         2,125  14,878        32^09
        Vegetable Product* .
        Vennecelli .   .            Vaine                         441            160
        Water .                                                 1,71,002  1,71,002  1,94.700
        Wheat .                     cZl    23A62  41.908  20,590  84,468  1,11,924
        Wheat Flour                         9,568  13.294  25,296  38,274  44,315  1,01.190
        Wood ...                    VUoe                         22,478  21,359  63,463
        Wool                         Cwt.            20     24    679     100    6U0
        Article* not speciGed above  Value                       13,179  13,911  6.476
                                                                9,78,862  10,39,347  12,71,464
   332   333   334   335   336   337   338   339   340   341   342