Page 336 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 336
TABIJE D—conc/cf.
Imports of Principal Articles by Steamers daring the years 1932-33, 1933-34 and 1934-35—concl<L
Quantity. Vai.ce.
Articles asd names or countries r»o« wnicH
1932 33 1933-34 11*3135 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35
Its. Ra. R«.
Articles not tpecified above-
Arab Co*at . . . . Value 1.800 483
India .... 2,03.001 1,350 1,814
'Iraq .... 32,520 00
Persian Coast 12,185 120 133
Otbcr Countries 21,050 300 200
Total 21,35,827 28.43,519 28,99,716
Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Crafts during the years 1932-33, 1933-34 and 1934-3S.
Quantity. Valve.
Description or Articles.
1932-33 1933-34 1931-35 1932-33 1933-34 1334-35
Ra. Ra
Animals and Birds--
COWB Non 195 172 133 0,077 5.1 GO
Donkeya rt 16 28 10 499 840
Hawks . . W 3 l 3 30 30
Horses . 1
Sheep and goats 598 204 911 4,736 *1*632
Arab Cloaks BdJea. 38 6,150
Bamboos . Value 1,320
Bamboo split . 1,885 1,012
Barley CVL 42,748 42,590 62.937 75,719 56,784
Building Materials Value 4,284 9,822
Canoes . . Noe. 18 3 7 176 45
Carpets . , Value 23,264 6,520 r
Cament Cwt. 11,773 2,531 2,000 17,449 3,801
Charcoal . 11,772 3,373 9,968 19,873 6,731 23,971
Cigarette Paper VsJoc 3,000
Clarified Butter Cwt. 206 199 4 8,272 2,865 150
Coal and Coal Tar Value 275 120 E274
Cocoanuts W 75 145
Coffee • Cwt. 117 288 217 3,120 7,560 6.960
Coir and Coir Rope Value 23,611 26,912 64^31
Confectionary . 814 732
Cotton Cwt. 198 *4*220 3,415 4.0S0
Dates 79,658 98,302 1.17^21 1.66,823 6
Date Syrup Value 2,647 2JZ88
Dessert n 8J016
Drug* N 3,207 1,350 4J683
Dye Powder 264 644 • •
Dyes and Colours t* 640
Earthenware 767 616 111*
Electric Implements ft 10,200
Firewood . , m 18,085 26156 UA27