Page 364 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 364


               10. The only manuiaovirw :f   l*. m-        G Commnaicatic ns and Troaspcrt.
             to*.«t ATT XS f .u'^i .—                  -.; v--. '■•-’—.Vs men-ioned e--*vrhere *1.- '.Mef
                                                     n-ai.i ■: tran-v..- retweer. Kuw*;t  *.vi ov.-r
                (•* A cloth called ’* Parry E.isnt   1 --  :: the «i :i: is h> Iv-*d •: ..**-.
                    x.auufxct'-'.rtd  us a  :«tr.u***  j:d z-try   x
                                                                        <* rrytr.r. <* '!i-*.i'r.L-:-r i
                    primitive v."M  of haiM-o' m in*! is -1 *. -•  ~-?.:r or by -r*»*Ar:.-rs of rhe
                    sivtlj used f*>c maimiir Eli.".*: or Ara*   Br.''-ri India v.-arz. NV-vijarion 0>:.j,v»r.y. »r.y.\
                   C;«Ma3 •ici'.'va lls<> IS Atoisi.   _ :_s  :ah r-xnlariy ev-ry —
                    cloda -ji v. ven from *c-*e: s T xni " —
                    thread is sp*ia loea-y ty p.«>c : .wv-es f  Er>. :-.e tre a’ova *ni a motor road 'i/*?w.-en,
                    Asx .n as i H.-ct of tOitt rime ;•:••:■   -*• -  K; i- i Ba-ra *:.rr>- are no r*or:Ur rwK '■••r.-
                    usuillv aviila'le .e*ur n? o v  r  le   K■:•«■-:: with ve hi.v.erla.vl a:* ! >a.ii
                    yiri*. v-j't :«H7   c tr.  iv-rize :r  m  Arv ..i Th:* :• ■:*.* to t:.e -»«vt that tvA i;.vr>,r
                    i -Id-* t«:- i-L l-4 i **   A .   :     it ■     fat and generally Kir i d-—rt
                    per:»s.    : -c w     tak*s fr.-m    r. ar. te Tav-rv.-: in!y <ev*ry dir** *ior.
                    4 ?.> lv .iayi to ■» •f.iv-.      :y r..- *■ r ' ar- .« r. * a* si! an e.i-*y *..■ to travel
                                                         7:- S.T- S*:   -*.»•!•: ;■? oorr.j I*.-:a l^ok of $upp!?U
                                                      ini An\>...e
                              for     •ax c *•
                                                               _  •: rvf tr^r.^p-.r: U r.-v tan.rl
                    F r-ciri-r.x           -j jX-j .:     >0r
                    c-.a:.:   i "-•? y ar :z. i^r n
                    appear oc tax-  l   Pir. I   r.    *>•.     •: *.;f .V.->#r d^r.—In \*iA*A- of the
                                                     •^i-irT. i s'^-r of t^e hinterland it has tot
                 (•:. Fu-h boat sails, r: rrs. rco.. *ro . ir* s.h**>   iiihr.—.-. r—n r*.ain i eit: -rr convenient or prof.taMe
                    an tr. ifictureii :«.-r ixal use.  to er_- .y m-.*or as a means of rransf->n. Tne
                                                     nn*.••:r —r.i> iet^-er. Kuwait and Basra carried
               20. -V- >c l-.i>iArv. i Intryi’uyi —A d.
                                                     tiii.ier_TTrr only. Caja^l. therefore, as alrea Ir
                                                      rtat.jii. still remains the chief and indispensue'e
               21. /x*>cen.»r^»r En<fwi<r-. •psh.— VZ.
                                                      neans of tran'ton.
               ii. Ur.t El*ctri<r.z>j i* t*Wiiru.—In view of   27. ,-?»r .ve-***<*a. —A duplicate East and We«t-
             airr*nA> h4*:icTar>i state of industry -.he use of   tound ier\".ce of the Itr.j-nal Airways continued
             e'ec'r.criy in unmufaotJire is unlvnc- xr„ ar. i is hardly   cali at Kuwait every week during the period
             likely to develop for some years at wait if ever.  nndAr review—though at times not so regularly.
               if- D*n*z*d for Fwifn 'M-XMiv.y.—Den.*nd   Hitherto the Company has restricted its activi­
             f- r fir^ixn aLa.:hmery is indxur- ant. The . r.iy   ties to- carrying of mail« only as disringuisbed from
                hinery >use«i is in m-x-vr toots and launches of   vvtmnercial freight, as far as Kuwait is concerned.
             which a’r*/-ut i dozen emit a:   2-r. Sr.cfrUy.—The Kuwait-1wisra route is quite
                                                      safe, but perhaps saiue eaiuiot U* said of uiiuor
               24. Z>*.v/->p*>»e»<r of Jiotes.—Kuwait is very   routes between Kuwait ami the hinterland. This
             p*.«x m mnerai resources. The only ngn-ral   is because of the desert nature of the country,
             pr>:u«:t is gypsum mortar, which is manufactured   cccupied only by nomad triU\s. who are not mIhivo
              by the -.irntl- process of ztjlz rubbish m tr.od
                   etcavarioms. Tnere is a Urxc gypei:-:r'>,:s   occasionally raiding a caravan tarrying merchau-
              trv^: on the outskirts of Kuwait Town aG.i it is   cL^e. etc., should the kval l'owvi» that tn« fi*r a
              t>rr>i in sev^ra.! ocher parte of the Principality.  nivmen: show carelessness or gel alack.
               Tz* Kuwait Oil Company *a half .Visarican half       (H) SociaL
              British concern) which hold thr O/ncession for   2V. Sr.iiruhrdcf Lii'ti*?.—The majority of Kuwait
              expIvrAti»vn and development of Oil in Kuadt   population are poor and al»oul lO.iHel »ouU (out of
              terr.tvry. ex«>:pt the Neutral Zor.e. hai not becin   a total of apprC'Ximately   luve to eke out so
              bc-rr.g duri-.z the p^r.od under review h :t <*»-ra.:n   existence on little more than one anna a day each,
              mmih^rs 'A th^ir staff and vxne material arr.v^i   while c»it of the Bedouin population »uK>i5t on
              J>tac-n January and April.              camels milk and dat*ni. The »tai:dard of livuig
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