Page 369 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 369

                                           TABLE D.
             Imports ol Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1033-34, 1934-35 and 1935-38.

                                                 Quantity.              Valck.
          Articles anu names or covntries from which
                                            1933-34.  11134.35.  1935.36.  1933-34.  ]934.35. ; 1935.30.

                                                                    Ra.   Ra.   Rs.
         I ml in .   •                No*.             2       2            10      10
         Unite*! Klnpdtnn                       15            38     05            190
        Buildin" Material*—
         India                       Value                         1,455    755    180
         Other Countries              II                           2,750
         India .                     Cwt.                          7,800
         India                     . Value                          400
         Persian Coast .              II                           5,8* Ml  J 6,500  73,800
         Arab Coast                                                 200
         'Iraq                                                              800    300
         Other Countries              II                                   300
        Cartridges, Sorting—
         India                       Boxes                                        1.140
         Other Countries              99        20     62          1,600   434    1.0HO
         Arab Coast .                 99                                           840
         ’Iraq                       Cwt.       24                   30
         Other Countries                      7,115 ;  24.915  24.108  10,242  2-1,915  24.998
         Japan                                             35,947                33,947
         India           • *                    33    988   1.638    09   2,964  3,316
        Cigarette Pa|*T—
         United Kingdom            . Ca.                                           200
         India                        99              142                 21.300  1,900
         'Iraq                                         61                 9,150
         Other Countries              99               98                 14,700
        Coal and Coal Tar—
         Persian Coast .           . Value                         2,190  6,510
         India .   .                                                625          1.014
         Aral* Coast .               Cwt.       1      30     6      60    800     200
         India . ,                            3,543  1,9*0  4^77  1,18,100  61,800  1,75,050
         'Iraq . .                    91       42     225          1,400  6,000
         Other Countries              99      2,521  2,740  2,523  *4,050  87,600  1,00,900
        Coir and Coir Rope—
         India ,   .                 Value                         1,755  3,304  4,020
         India ,   ,                 Cwt.      128     76    362   1,600   760   6,430
         Persian Coast .              99       20                   250
         Arab Coast                   99               2      4             20     60

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