Page 366 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 366
Lilt ot Prominent Merchant*— contd. Distribution of the Crocs innwe.
Name. Line. ; KniitrU I No. or fiiiAir.1 draw*
I ; kV EACH. I
Description of ' No. the
I Fnm tl<c Fr«im i Total
tin- cf«R. w».
I crew'a elii|M>wner*s ' ibun.
l'*. AMul Atir al fJIun li ' Whcdmle dnvfer in 1 IIK Oil*-. i minor. I
II. Al<b««liii Mint Huoin Ditto. : '
i :
N.iHmda I I 2 I
I'.', AMnr Bilim bin lla»an Wlr)lr«lf d-~-.Ire in j I
hud ware and I la: keerer . "I 4
; ^luattrv. i I 2nd St eel er . i 1 <>» 4
1.1. AMul ,Ulr bin HuMin l'uir.u, tacl.1—* and i
•1-lUiatr. 1 Ironware in < 3rd Stecrrr . I 4 0 4
i /<:.i ral. I
1 Foreman ! 1 4
Mtdmmrtiiil ! (Irc.-end M* r hint*. i
U. Ilnjii I
llaotia lb hWham A aik! lii-'ln I* Crew . 19 19 0 19
Sort*. I Aicnta. Took . l i 't 0 4
IS. Yu.*uf bin Mohuii-nrd General Mi rrs..vit. I I : I
)ivL>aia Ibblx-Luii. 0 I
S.n.‘.!l ;i>IU butt ' I l
10. ZaiJ b.n Sirhaa . . DeJcr in I’f .-fumet.
23 27 i 3J | 30*
i .
17. Kb aliJ bin Yutuf tl i Ditto. I 1!*.. I.ISiS-l.l 0 divided into .*ai] slnrc*, m.ikr
MuUioa. ! 1U. J11 2 for tlx- eh-trc.R*. 1112 x3n* . lla. 3,358 IS 0
Hire Office* at
18. Mi-amv J&ahtnmtl & i Gi*aml
•oat. provision*, curio- I li-t*n» arid Statement showing distribution of the proceed* ol a
•i-.irs, Buhrain. season's catch of pearling boat.
phoilC, tt<a. ftc.
19. Mc-hasimcd R\fi* bin Bio lira, prtwidon* R*. a. r.
Hvmin Dchbchuu. aid rrncral Pr&-e**ls from the «!" of peirla . R.OKJ 0 0
Lt*t one fifth, bcin; ah»e of the 1-oal’a owner . 1/00 0 0
. j Hu BrunA at
20. AUiur RukxJ Hajji 1 Provuiona, r-.c.
Fanj. I Bahru, Hawaii. The crcw’a *lnre of tbe proccvda . C.t'K) 0 0
l /<«» colt of food* Mipjiio* . 1.400 0 0
Norr. -Since Kuwait in a wta.ill loan, the idlimen n lirm Tlir crew'a nett income . . 5.000 0 0
r'uve »i2 ~uflicc for cMtmpond»n.T p'.ir|*--«ci.
Distribution of the Crew's inc/nn \
Statements showing distribution of the proceeds
of a sailing ship, for both of her out and in
voyages. No. of i
Dcwcripttou of llenva. J N*». of the t-lmre* ToixJ
R«. a- r. crew. drawn bj •Lcm.
1‘mcodi from fr*i;ht . . . 7.««J 0 ft varh.
/.« lO*! of fixed “>ip|Jirw . l.«**0 0 U
I 1
NAhuda 1 S I 3
Net |<rr«*>-cda . G.iaKJ a 0
Jliicrw (or Ghai«) . 10 3 TO
The shipowner** nett income of f lie promtl*: —
Kv a. r. Hauler* (or KwiLJ 10 2 20
Half of tlir nrtt t^ocaeda , v»« o •
I*** total of 3* aharra of Ra. Cook 1 2 s
111-2-0 each, aa di-LaiUd
brlOW MS 15 •
fladliif (Loja, 2 — oor iuib) I 1 f
__ *
A'a/ii 2JCI1 1 •
Total 24 S7
fUlance to go to the era 2.74 IS V 6,000 • 0
Ra. /l.llOOdifidid inbid* tW’i. make
!)»■ r/f»‘l nrtt iliroaw u |I<^« , . 3,344 U U Ra. 87 11-« for I hr .live. R*. 87-11-6* S7 - S,000-0-0