Page 370 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 370


                                             TABLE D—could.
             Imports ol Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1933-34, 1934-35 and 1935-36- -oontd.

                                                     Qi-antity.            Vali’k.
             AmI CL EM AX Jl NAMI.M ««F ClM'XTKIKS »huM WHICH
                                             ' 10:13.34.   1034 35.  I935.3G.   1033-34  1934-35.  1935-30.
                                                                      11m.   I u.   lie.
          Prusr—                                    ‘
            Ami* Coast                . Value       i                         ino     225
            lVndan Const .                                            1.150  1.2HO   I .X50
            India                                                    15.125  II.ISO  32.150
            Other r'vuiitrii-n           »•         i                          20    1,500
            'Iraq                                   !                         140
          Fid*. Drlixl—                             .
            OiL.-r Countries             M   i                                 GO
          Fruit*. Froli mu) «lru<!—          !
            India .   .   ,                         !                   40    144     7SG
            Arab Cia>t   .   .           •t  I                                        30
           Ground Nuts—                             I
            India .   .               . Cwt.     771 •  3* *7   347   2.*'50  1.535  1.388
            'Iraq                            i      !                   4
          Gun*, S port inn—
            Arab Coast                . Value                                         540
            India                                                                     540
          Gunr.y Gays, Empty—
            India                            I                          75            150
            Arab Coaet                                                                45
           Hardware and Glassware*—
            India .   .   .              ••  .                             5.25.0.V* !  4.27.785
            Arab G-ast                                                       5.2* <1   7,700
            lVr»Un Coast .                   !                              45.200   15.0<i0
            ’Iraq                            :                             1.I7.MJ0   14.0<8)
            Ot hi r Count riea           »,                                1,H2,2*;0  91.880
            Japan                            !                                      32.000
            United Kingdom                                                          33,375
                                         M   i
           Iron ar.d Ironware—
            Aralr(V*a«t .                W                              25
            Iixii- .                     H                             415    112     275
                                         99                             40    412
            Other Countrk*                                            3.705  1,125  8,445
           Limes. Dried—
            Arab Coast                . Cwt.             18                    90
            Oth-T Count ties          . Valeo                         7.000         • •
            ’Iraq .   •                                                200
            I’nit. d Kiuydom                                                        8.500
            India                                                    49.7511  21.750  53,000
            Otb* r Count rir«            •»                          72.1*hi  64.900  43,**IU
            ’Iraq                        09                           3,100  5,050    50
            I'lTHkQ Coart .              99                                         5,* >00
            Ja|«ii .   .
   365   366   367   368   369   370   371   372   373   374   375