Page 373 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 373
TABLE D—coucld.
Imports of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1833-34, 1934-35 and 1835-36 — condd.
Qcantity. Valor.
Articles and vamks or coi’ntkies no* wiiicu
1033-34. 1934-35. 1935-36. 1033-34. 1934-35. ; 1935-36.
IU- Rs. R*.
Arab Coast . Cwt. 100 9 7S0 2,450 135
India . • 58 21,tOO 203
’ 1 raq 1,800 300 4,740 90,soo 1IJW0
Ollier Countries H 651 2,950 81,1*15 3,255 10-325
Persian Coast . 10 100
Tobareo, Manufactured—
India Value 1,609
Ve^eliiLIo Products—
India 5,^00 3.6G0
’Iraq H
Other Countries 10, PW 1-575
Ja|mn 4-8*'ll
'Iraq Cason 100 800
Other Countries W 300 150 2,400 1,200
Wheat, flour—
India Cwt. 105 180 150 402 714 €00
Persian Coast . r* 30 120
Articles not specified alxivo—
India . Value 1,350 1,814 930
’Iraq . GO
Persian Coast . 120 133 210
Other Countrios 300 2uO 1,020
Arab Coast 483
Total 28,43,519 28,29,716,37,50,670
Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1933-34,1934-35 and 1935-36.
Qcaktitt. Vatu*.
Description or Articles.
1933-34. 1934-35. 1936-36. 1933 34. 1934-35. 1935-36.
Ra. Rs. Ra.
Animals and Birds—
Cows .. . Noa. 172 133 166 6,160 3,325 4J980
iKinkcys . m 28 16 70 M0 400 2,100
Hawks 3 12 30 160 120
Hordes . •t 60
hhuepand Coats 99 204 Ml 647 1.632 6,644 2-264
Ara b Cloaks Value 6,150 2j050
BamLoos , 2JIU0
liamUx«s, Split . 99 1,012 3,134
99 lj6*0