Page 377 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 377

                                          TABLE F—could.
           Imports o! Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1933-34,1934-35 and 1935-36- c/nrfd.

                                                 Quantity.              Vau'k.
          ARTICLES and NAMES OKCOr.NTKir.S FROM which
                      IMI'UHTKU.          : 1933-34.  1931-35.  1935-36.  1933-34.  1934•35.  1935-36.
                                                                   Ha.    R*.    Rs.
          Anil* Coast .             Value  I                         75     45
          India .                     *1                                    75
          "Iraq .                     tl                                    25
          'Iraq .                   Cwt.      2-Srt  217     60    7,560  5,960  2,500
        Coir and Coir Hope—
          Arab Coast .              Value                          8.732  3.576  2.250
          India .                     • •                         17,769  50.305  25,625
          'Iraq .                     • •                           411    290
          Arab Coast .                                              440    132    870
          India .                                                   350     48    190
          ’Iraq .                     • t                           24     507     55
          Persian Coast               • •                                   45     30
          Arab Coast .               Cwt.      24                   210
          Persian Coast                       208            126   3,120  4.080  1,890
          Other Countries             99       22                   35
          Arab Coast .                       5.195  1.147   917   16.078  5,041  5.559
          ’Iraq .                     • t   32.1*15  46.839  34.470  67,175  54,307  57,569
          Persian Coast                     41,548  50,316  51.078  83,570  67,088  68,242
        Date Syrap—
          ’Iraq .                   Value                                 1,890
          Persian Coast               M                                    398
        Dye Podwcr—
          Persian Coast                                             300
          Arab C7oast .               99                            344
        Dyes and Colours—
          ’Iraq .                     ••                                    10
          Arab Coast .                                                     130
          Persian Coast               M                                    400
          Arab Coast ,                M                             200    733    137
          India .                                                    30   2,560   925
          ’Iraq .   ,                 • 9                           100    110     85
          Persian Coast               ft ••                         950   1,205  4,800
          Other Countries             M                             70      75
         Iraq                                                       204    366    214
         Persian Coast .              M r»                          252    646    692
       Edible Seods—
        Arab Coast .                  H                                    190
         Persian Coast .                                                  4,355
        India •   ,                   ff 99                               3.470
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