Page 381 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 381
TABLE F—contd.
Imports o! Principal Articles foy Sailing Craft during the years 193&-34,1934-35 and 1935-35—contd.
Quantity. Valve.
Articles ann names or countries from which :
lMI'OKTKI», 1933 34. 1931-33. 1 1935-36. 1933 34. 1934.35. 1935-36.
R«. Pa. R«.
Aral* Coast Valuo 4,800 4,600 2.350
India . 355
Other Countries »• 50
IVrvian Const . 50
Mnu, . 50
Persian Const . . Cwt. 1.278 j 1,080 570 432
'Iraq . Value 1,685 i.r»R 630
IVr.'ian Cua^t . 150 539 4.445
Sowin«: Machines—
’Iraq . Xos. 7 1,050
’Iraq— . . Value 640 7
Arab Coast 560
Arab Const 99 800 124
’Iraq 5
Persian Coast 160 342
India COO
Supar. Loaf—
’Iraq Cwt. 700 225 4,203 1,400
Supar. Soft—
’Iraq 35
India 96 376 672 2,008
Arab Coast 90 40 1,608 595
India 84 114 1,140 1 ,012 2.058 3.800
’Iraq 99 97 17 5 1.4G0 306 45
Other Countries #» 192 2,300
Arab Coast 1,837 422 13,475 9.185 2,110
India . 3.832 2.896 11,425 7,760 14.480
’Iraq 292 25 1,460
Oth*rr Countries 99 30
Tinninp Powder—
Persian Coast , . Valuo 1,004 1.329
’Iraq Cwt. 100 2 20 5,000 100 1,000
Arab Coast . Value 5,240 14A77 7.318
’Iraq . 768 5.127 674
Persian Coast , 3a50
India 15,270 2J,t04 38.302
Other Countriea 81 7,495 76,426