Page 378 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 378


                                                TABLE T-contd.
                   Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1933-34, 1934-35 and 1935-36-covtd.

                                                        Quantity.              Value.
                                                  1933-34.  1934-35.  193o-30.  1933-34.  1934.35.  1935.36.

                                                                          IU.    n*.     Ra.
               Electric Implement*—
                ’Iraq .   .                 Value                                10,200
                Aral* Coast                  9»                           4.159   5.157  5,200
                India                        99                           4.100    880    400
                Persian Coaat .              99                           1.510   2.970   955
                 Iraq                                                     9,70.1  3,940  3.625
                ’Other Countries             99                           6,584    880
               Fins, Fhark—
                 Aral* Coast                                               800     160     74
                 Persian Coast .                                            J6     31      68
               Fish. Dried—
                 Arab Const                  99                            940     410   2,387
                 Persian Coaat .                                            36    1,096   322
               Fish Maaa—
                 Persian Coaat .                                           136     200    353
                 ’Iraq                       99                             40     25
               Fruita. Freah and dried—
                 Arab Coaat                  99                            3-51   1.645   965
                 ’Iraq    •   .                                           24.704  23.070  28.840
                 Persian Coaat  .   .        99                           26,158  23.722  31.820
                 India .   .                 99                            140             10
               Furniture -
                 ’Iraq                       99                            635     715    735
                 Other Count net             99                             40
                 Arabia                                                                   350
                 India                       99                                          1,850
               Graas, Hay and Straw
                 ’Iraq                       99                           2,750  5,484   8,745
                 Persian Coaat .             99                           1,800    360    650
               Ground Nuta—
                 India                      Cwt.      JI2            36    300            108
                 Arab Coast                  99       301            3     804             9
                 ’Iraq                       H         1                     6
                Gunny Baga, Empty—
                 Arab Coaat   .             Value                         1.140  2,310   3,825
                 Other Countries             99                             10
                 ’Iraq                                                                     15
                 India    •   •              99                                            60
                Hardware and Glassware—
                 ’Iraq                                                            7.400  2,789
                 Arab Coaat   ,   .                                              10,235  10,100
                 India    .   •              99                                   1.876  1,000
                 Persian Coaat  .   ,         *»                                          200
                 Arab Coaat ,                 99                           188     205
                 •Ir^j .   .                                               483     760
                 Pi-nuan Coaat .                                           375     040

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