Page 375 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 375
TABLE E • - Cfiiirhl.
Imports ol Frincipal Aitides by Sailing Craft during the years 1932-34,1934-35 and 1935-36 - condd.
Qiastity. V*i.vr.
PiX'KimuN *•»' ARTICLES.
I!»:c-3I. : 1934-35. I 1935-36. 1933-34. • 19.JJ.V.. ! 193-5.36.
— I
! iu. K-. iu
.Sa«) Cloth . Vulue i "*.263 . 5.050 2,4tH»
SV.t Cwt. 1.278 1,0S»| 570 *32
iScHtmp Value I 1.835 « 1.777 5,07/S
ScH in<! Machiw- No*. 7 I ! 1.050 :
Value GIO 7 560
Ko "I*
f.jiin* . . • ; 165 1,066
Supa r. l^nt Cwt. 700 ! 223 4,2»i3 ! l.GOO, Soft v, i 133 376 872 2.008
Tallow 3/3 i 221 ' 1,1 Kl 4.772 3,972 4,440
Tamarind . 5,001 3.31 S j 24,1*55 18,405 16590
Tanning Powder . Value 1,004 1529
T«-a Cut. 100 2 20 5.0Xt 100 1,900
Titnhrr , . , Valuo 21.359 53.153 1,22,720
‘loiter© Cut. 2,125 2,0s5 j 9.1^ 32,809 02,410
Vepetalde Products GV, 720
Vermicelli . Value 502 ICO
W.dcr ; 1,71,0.2 1,94,700 1,97,100
Wheat . . . Cwt. 41.968 20,590 67,019 ; 1,11,924 54,908 1,78,720
Wheat Flour . . 13,294 25.29G 12,3'j*) , 4 4,315 1,01,190 41,560
Wool 20 24 > : : 100 GOO
Article* not spocified abovo Valuo 13,911 6,476 11,975
Total . 10,39,227 12,71,184 13,62,477
Imports ol Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1933-34, 1934-35 and 1935-38.
Qtantitt. Vaixe. and samf.s or cocntkjes raoji which
1933-34. 1934-35. 1935-36. 1933-34. 1934-35. 1935-36.
B*l R*. R*.
Anunalu and Bird*—
'Traq . No*. 172 133 164 6460 3,325 4.920
Persian Coast N 1 30
Arab Coast . »» 1 30
Arab 09 26 16 70 UO 400 2.100
Penian Coast *t 1 l 12 30 150 120
Arab Coast . 1 60