Page 412 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 412
TABLE F-amtd.
Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37—contd.
Qcartitt. Value.
Aimn.cs and names or cocxtiues rao* wmen
1934-35 1935-36 1936 37 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37
R«. R*. Ra.
Animal* and Bird*—«mld.
Persian Ooa*t . Nos. 3 12 19 150 120 190
Arab Coaat. . 26 200
Arab Coaat. r* 1 50
Sheep and Goats—
Arab Coast. 13 65
Iraq . ft 941 300 575 6.61C 1,800 3.450
Fenian Coast 581 3,486
Arab Cloaks—
Iraq Value 1,250
Persian Coast M 800
India . 2.000 750
Iraq *9 100
Bamboos Split—
India . • *» 2,900 1.660 2,825
Arab Coaat . 99 239 314
Iraq Cwt. 30,540 1,888 3,759 61.092 4,720 6*63
Pcrrtaa Coast 32,391 66.000 39,762 64.773 1,32,015 66,270
Ruildin* Material*—
Arab Coast Value 79 687
Iraq ft 1,900 1,112
India . M 150
India . Nos. 7 7 15 105 140 225
Arab Coast • Ysloe 300 400
Iraq ft 800 2,500 5,500
Penoaa Coast 99 6,400 4,230
Iudia . Cwt. 2,000 2,000
Arab Coast • 9# 983 25 2,923 50
India . If 8,976 6,886 6,460 21,021 13,772 12,920
Peiuaa Coast tt 9 4 . 27 8
Ciearett* Paper—
Iraq . . Talus • • 3,000 3.300 4,050
Arab Coast . • # 600 1,200
Clarified Rutter—
Arab Coast , Cwt. 4 4 S 150 120 180
Pcr»iaa Coaat 99 • • 4 • • • 9 132
India . 99 • 9 • •