Page 409 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 409

                                       TABLE D-concll
           Imports of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1934-35, 1935-36 and I93M7—amrkL

                                                Quaktitt.              Vato*.
           Aim0X3 akd ranks or couNTiuis noxi WHICH
                                           mi-35  1935-36  1936-37  1934 35  1035-30  1930-37
                                                                 R*.    R«.    R*.
         Sugar. Loaf—
          United Kingdom           . Ot.            625                 4,000
          Other Conn trie*                  7/500  3,500  1,600  51,920  21/193  8,400
          India .                                  2,790                13,360
         Su gar. S>ft—
          United Kingdom                           36.150  6/>25       2,08.800  34,800
          India .                           1.425  9,620  9,298  7,600  88.104  37,192
          Oil** Counlrica                   9-1,410  78,900  &4/*80  5/13,536  4,20,720  3,37,144
          India .                            550    250    335   9,900  3,750  0,036
          Jaj*an .                                          13                   200
          India .                     ••     399    246    348   1,995  1,230   1,740
          Arab Coast                                 29                 1.450
          India .                            922   4,574   743   46,450  2,28,700  37,150
          Iraq                                 2                  100
          Other Countries                     10    757    100    500   37,850  5,000
          Japan .                                  3,297               l/>4380
          India .                   Value                        2,324    84   12,145-
          Other Countrios             99                                       3,580
          Arab Const                 Cwt.    100      9          2,450   135
          India .                     99             58   1,752          203   8,760-
          Iraq                              L800    300         90,800  11/560
          Other Countries             99     651   2,950  1,018  3/255  10,325  5,090
          Persian Coast               ••      10                  100
         Vcgctalle product®—
          India .                    Value                              5,060  20,134
          Iraq                        99                                       2,640
          Other Countries             ••                                1,675   79 r
          Japan .                                                       4,800  4,812
          Persian Coast                                                        5,592
          Iraq                       Cases
          Other Countriea                    150                 njjoo
         Wheat four—
          India                      Ot      180    150    368    714    600   1,900
          Pocsisa Coast               »              30                  120
         Articles not specified abore—
          India ....                 Value                       W14     960    •30
          Persian Coast                                           133    210
          Other Countries             99                          200   1,020   880
          Arab Coast   ,              99           *
          United Kingdom              m                                         ■ 170
                                                          • •  28J9.7I6  37,50,700  2M7/01A
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