Page 406 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 406


                 Imports of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37.
                                                    Qcantttt.             Vjack.
              Annexes and xaxu or cocntium ihom wmcH
                                              1934-35  1935-36  1936-37  1934-35  1935-36  1936-37

                                                                    Rs.    Rs.     Pa.
              India .                   Koa.      2      2     12     10      10    120
             United Kingdom .            ft             38                   190
             Other Countries .           N                     25                   250
            Building Material*—
             India .                    Value                         755    180
             Other Countries             r»                                         -880
             India .                    Cwt.
              India .                   Value                                       500
             Persian Coast               M                          16,500  73.SOO  71,000
              Iraq                                                    bOO    300
             Other Countries             ft H                         300
            Cartridges, Sporting—
             lo'Ua .                    Boxes                   6           1,140   150
             Other Countries             ft      62            50     434   1,080  1,250
             Arab Coast .                                                    wo
             Japan .                    Cwt.          35,947  33,766       35,947  33.766
             Other Countries                   24,915  24,998  2,000  24,915  24,998  2,000
             India                               988   1,658  2,677  2,964  3,310
                                         P*                                        5,354
            Cigarette Paper—
             United Kingdom .         . Value                                200
             India .                                                21,300  1,900   250
             Iraq                                                    9,150
             Other Countrios             ft 99                      14,700         6,100
            Coal and Coal Tar—
             Persian Coast                                           6.510
             India .                     W 99                               V,014   303
             Arab Coast                 Cwt.     30      6     69     800    200   2,300
             India .                     99     1,900  4,377   476  61,800  1,75.050  19,050
             Iraq                                225
                                         H                           6,000
             Other Countries                   2,740  2,523   2,664
                                         ft                         87,600  1,00,900  82,550
            Coir and Coir Rope—
             India ,   ,
                                        Value                        3,304  4,020  2,850
             India .                    Cwt.     76    362     472    780
             Persian Coast                                                  5,430  23,600
             Arab Coast                  99              4
                                         99       2            24     20     60    1,200
             Arab Coast .               Value                         160    225
             Persian Coast                                           1,280  1350   3,180
             India .                     ft                         11,180  32,160  67,900
             Other Countries             99 ft                        20    1,600   900
             Iraq                                                     140           100
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