Page 403 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 403

            List of Prominent Merchants—contd.  Statement showing distribution of the proceeds
                                                of a sailing ship, for both of her out and in
            Name.        Line.      Remarks.    voyages—contd.
                     WhoWtle dealer l*               Distribution of the Crew*a income.
       10. AWtl Axil al Gandl
       U. AM'm Nn Mlrxa   Ditto.                                 No. OF RHARRR DRAWS
          Ilosaln.                                                  ■ T r.ACH.
       12. AMur Rcdha Hn   dealer la           Description of the   No. at     share*.
           Hasan «J Mut-   hardware and           crew.     the  from the
          ««.         glassware.                                 crew'*   shipowner’*
                     Paint*. tackle* and                         Income.  Income.
       IS. A Mol  Arlx  Mo
          liutaln al  Hi  Iromware   la
                                              Nakhnda        1            X     S
                     General merchants,
       1«. nalll  Mohammad
          Hnasaln   Ilelibo­  ari.l Steamship
          Inal A Son*.  A pent*.              lit Slecrer    1            0*    ll
       IS. Vw«uf Mo Moharn-   General Merchant
          tned Iluaaln                        2nd Steerer    1            0|    n
       10. Zaud Un Slrlaaa  Dealer In Perfume*.  3rd Steerer  1    I      0     II
       17. nialld bin YuanI   Ditto.
          3!oUwwa.                            Pore mao      1             0|    II
                      dise, provision*,
       IB. Me-Jirr.  Julian dulI  General Merchan­  n*ve often at Basra
          A Son*.                 A Bahrain.  Oetr          19    1       0     19
                      rurknlties. gratno-
                      phones, ele., etc       Cook                        o
       10. M•.•hamined RaA’ bio   BlcvrJ«,  pro' vision*    l      I            U
          Hu%aln lJehl-e-   an>S cei  icral I it>tr-
          haal.       etiaodlse.              Small JoUyboai              0     1
          -our HasooJ H*jjl   FrovWoo*.
       20. AM                dRa-
          F*r*J.      rct’e*. etc.
                                                   Total    25    27      SI   Ml
        Notx.—Since Kuwait Is a jm.all town, the addrcwsca a* given above
       will soiSce lor correspondence ;>urposea.  Ra. 3,388-15-0 divided into 30J
                                                  uharca, make Rr. ill-2 tor the
                                                  share. IU. 111-2x30}  Rs. 3.3S8 15 0
       Statement showing distribution of the proceeds of   Statement showing distribution of the proceeds
        a sailing ship, for both of her out and in   of a season's catch of a pearling boat.
                                                                          Rs. a. r.
                                   Rs. a. r.    Proceeds from tbc sale of pearls .   8,000 0 O
         Proceeds from freight .... .   7.000  0 0  Jam one-fifth, being share of tho
                                                   boot's owner .        1,000 0 O-
         Iam cost of food supplies  *  1.000  9 0
                                                 Tbc crew’s share of the proceeds   6.400  0 0
                Nett proceeds  a  6,000 0 0       />« cost of food supplies .  1.400  0 0
                                                 The crew’s nett income  o  5,000 0 0
        The shipowner's nett income of the proooedo —   Distribution of the Crew*8 income.
                         Rs. A. ?.                                    No. of
                                               Description of the crew.  No. of the  drawn   Total
         Half of the nett                                             by each.
           proceeds .   .  3,000 0 0
           Ltm total of 31                    NaUrada .          1      S       S
            shares   of                       Divers (or GbaH) .
            Ra. 111-2 each.                                      19     S      M
            as                                Haulers (or 8alb) .  10   *      29
            below ,      388 15 0
                                              Cook               1      *      ’ t
           Nett irxxxne ,   2,611 1 0         JUrihlf (boys, X —  8alb)  f  1   C
         Balance to go t j th*                        Total     X4             *7
           crew .       3,338 15 0   6,000 0 0  Rs. 6,000-0-0 divided into 57 share*,
                                                 make Rs. 87-11-6 for the share.
         TJe Crew's nett income as above .   3,388 15 0  ■Rs. 87-11-5X67  Rs. 5,000 0 0
   398   399   400   401   402   403   404   405   406   407   408