Page 407 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 407


                                       TABLE D—contJL
         imports of Principal Article* by Steamer* during the year* 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37 con/d.
                                               Quantity.              Tito.
         Articles and names or cocntrixs too* wmcn
                                         1934 35  1935-36  1936-37  1934-35  1935-36  1936-37
                                                                Pa.    R*.    Ra.
        Fnh, Dried—
         Ollier Countries          Value                          60
        Fruit*. Fresh and Dried—
         India                                                   144     786   3,265
         Arab Coast .                                                    30      86
        Ground Nuts—
         India ...                  Cwt.    307    347           W3S    1*88
        Gunny Bags, Empty—
         India                     Value                                 150
         Arab Coast .                99                                  45
        Gunn, Sporting—
         Arab Coast .               Pf                                   540
         India .                                                         540
         Other Countries             H                                          440
        Hardware and Glassware—
         India .                                               5,25,950  4J17,785  2,75,700
         Arab Coast .                rt                         5.200  7.700  13.200
         Persian Coast                                          454100  15.000   114150
         Iraq .                                                1,17.600  14,600   11,550
         Other Countries             99                        1.824100  91.830  1,17,300
         Japan .                     !9                                32.000   1,26,150
         United Kingdom .            99                                334175  76,050
        Iron and Ironware—
         India .                                                 112    275    2,095
         Iraq                       99                           412             10
         Other Countries             99                         1,125  8,445  14,545
        Limes, Dried—
         Arab Coast                 Cwt.     18                   90
         Other Countries           Value                                        140
         United Kingdom              9*                                84500   7,700
         India .                     w                          21,750  63.000
         Other Countrieo             r*                         644)60  42.000  93^950
         Iraq                        *•                         5*50     50
         Persian Coast                                                 5,000
         Japan .   .                                                   24,250  8*50
         India ,   ,                                                    1*50
        Motor Can and Cycles—
         fndis ...                  No*.     3             28   44500  15.800  44,800
         i*»q                        99      1      1       2   1 *00   14>00  3,000
         Other Countries             99      3      5      15   4400   7^00   224^00
         Persian Coast               r*             12                 214500
        Oil, Crude—
         Persian Coact             Vales          9 9           c#     5*00    2*10
       03, Keros ine—■
         Persian Coast            . Galls.  68,720  76,740  1,11,154  42*50  37*80  56*73
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