Page 454 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
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                                                  TABLE G.
                     Exports of Principal Article! by Steamer* during the years 1933-36, 1936-37 and 1937-38.
                                                        Qcajctitv.             VaSAJE.
                         DtscMrrros or Articles.
                                                   1935-36  1936 37  1937-38  1935-30  193637  1937-38
                                                                          Its.   Rs.    FU.
                  Horses -   ,               Xoa.                    3                    300
                 Arab cloaks                 Value                        1,000          4.800
                 Barley                      Cwt.          11,108  10J23I        I 8.301  42,460
                 Bullion, Silver .           Value                       70,806
                 Cutpet* .                                               22,200  13.200  11.800
                 Cigarette paper -                                        1,571           7<0
                 Cereal*                     Cwt.     124    124     60    3"0     400    200
                 Clariticd Butter             »•      16     17      30    3S>2    612   1.175
                 Coffee                       99             18      4             800     80
                 Date* •      .               • •            30    2.463           38    4,320
                 Date Stone*                         3,500                3.500
                 Fish, Dried                 Val ue                                125
                 Fish Maws                    • 9                          930    1.405
                 Fruits fresh and dried                                            509
                 Haberdashery .               •i                                   920
                 Hides nod Skis*                                           83 H   3,391
                 InteMini*                                                 375     175    439
                 Iron and Ironware                                         3< *0   550
                 Lamb Skins                                               ll/J.'O  1,02.045  1,38.998
                 Mata                                                      4' 41
                 Metals                                                    2(.«0   450
                 Oil, Hah .                  Cwt.                                        2.000
                 Pe*rls .   .   ,            Value                      2,35, V *)   1,10.000   2,58.000
                 Piece-goods                  99                          3,C'.*4  I 1,200  7,540
                 Pots, Old Copper                                                         120
                 Sesame juice ,                                            H*0     380
                 Specie                                                 5,73,056  3,43,850  5^3^00
                 Sugar. Loaf »               cirt.                   4                     4U
                 Sugar. Soft .                                       6                     40
                 Tea                                   7     202    410    350   15,330  30,870
                 Timber                      Value                         2<V            000
                 Tobacco .                   Cwt.     20      1            2<4     20
                 Tyres and Tube*             Value                         54.0   1,000
                 Vegetables .                                               21      5     277
                 Wheat                       Cwt.                  3.340           900  11.460
                 Wheat Flour                                 215                   900
                 Wool                                 528    534   1.111  7.5C2  12.332  35.094
                 Articles not Spetificd above  Voiue                       no      930    280
                                          TvtaL                         9,35,461  C.9*,W8  11.11.423
                                                  TABLE a
                      Export* of Principal Article* by Steamers during the years 1935-36, 1936-37 and 1937*38.
                                                         QrAxrnr.               Valce.
                   Articles a>o names or codmxies to which
                              EirOBTXD.                                                1937-28
                                                   1935-36  1936-37  1937-38  1935-36  193*6-37
                                                                          Ra.    JU.
                   Arab Coast                 Ko.                    t                    J00
                 Arab Cloak*—
                   Arab Coast .             . Value                                      4440
                   Iraq                                                   1,000
   449   450   451   452   453   454   455   456   457   458   459