Page 457 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 457

                                      TABLE H—concU.
         Exports of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1935-36, 1936-37 and 1937-38—toncU.
                     EXTORTED.                                  1935-36  193637  1937-38
                                          1935-36  1930-37  1937-38
                                                                 Ra      IU.    R*.
        Wheat Flour—                                                      900
         Ar»b coast                 Cwt.            255
        Wool—                                              1,100  7,502  12,332  35,000
         India ....                   n      528    534                           28
         Other countries .   .        • f                    5
        Article* not rpccified above—                               35    850
         Arab coast .   .   •      . Value                          75            280
         India ....                                                        80
         Iraq ....                    • •
                                                                9,35.461  6,99,048  11,11,423

                                          TABLE L
             Exports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1935-36,1936-37 and 1937-38.

                                                QcAKTinr.              Valci.
                Description or Articles.
                                          1935-36  1936-37  1937-38  1935-36  1936-37  1937-38

                                                                 Rs.     R*.    Ra.
        Anchors .                    Nos.            50                   100
         Hordes .                     f*              1      3                    450
         Sheep and Coats                      87     354    796    341           6.099
        Arab cloaks                 Value                        13,620         58,051
          ra boos .                   ft                                        11,019
        Bamboos, split .              ••                                          204
        Bariev .   .                 Cwt.   1,700    864   1,437  2,427         4,891
        Building Materials          Value                                         197
        Cardamom*                    Cwt.      3      6            400
        Carpets and Rugs            Value                        25.188   31,330  57,511
        < Vracot .                   Cwt.   6,720  3,015   1,440  6,720   3,015  1,499
        (:harcosl .                         3,625  1,461    150   5,124   2244    150
        Cigarette paper             Value                          750            306
        Clarified Butter             Cwt.    168    178     198   6,637  6,933  8,406
        Coal and Coal Tar           Value                                 131     150
        Coffee                       Cwt.    351   1,122   1,348  11,490  47.804   39,375
        «V»ir and Coir Rope         Value                         7,302  15,112   15,097
        Cotton .                     Cwt.     60     85     12     740   2.536    140
        Pates                              34.399  38,673  1,13,580  44.338  66,047   1,25,368
        ))»te Stones                         637   2,367  2,000    550   1.569   1,379
        Drugs                       vJue                           482  25,229  36,951
        P^*es and Colonrs
        Fish, Dried                                               2.106         2,013
        Furniture                    H                             150
        Ground Nuts                 Cwt.      46            180    170           741
        Gunny Rag*, Empty           Value                         6,544         7,732
        Haberdashery                 ft                            983          19,307
        Hides and Skins                                                           67
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