Page 459 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 459

                                       TABLE J—contd.
         Export* of Principal Article* by Sailing Craft during the years 1935-36,1936-37 and 1937»38-  :ontd-

                                               Quantity.              Valu*.
         Articles and names of countries to which
                     EXTORTED.                                         1936-37  1U37-38
                                          1935-36  1936-37  1937-38  1935 30
                                                                Rb.     Rs.    Ra.
         Sheep and goats—
          Arab const .              Noe.      8     99     790     GO    642    6,099
          Iraq .                     99      79     275           291   1,082
       Arab cloaks—
         Arab coast .               Value                       13,620         58,051
       Bn in boos—
         Arab const                  99                                   48     760
         Persian coast                                                   300     150
         Irnq                                                           2,194  10,109
       Bamboos, split—
         Iraq .   .                  99                                   162    204
         Arab const »               Cwt.    1,700   864   1,437  2,427  1,866   4,891
       Building Materials—
         Iraq                       Value                               2,968    197
         Pvreian coast                                                    28
         Arab coast                 CVL       3      2            400    500
         Persian coast                               2                   397
       Carpets and Ruga—
         Iraq                       Value                         210    320     220
         Other countries             99                                 6,900
         Arab coast                  99                         24,978  24,110  57,293
         Arab coast                 Cwt.    2.520  2.790   755          2.790    809
         Iraq                        99     4,200   225    654   4,200   225     654
         Persian coast                                      31          9 9      30
         Jraa                        ■*     3,600  1,461   150   6.099  2,244    150
         Aral) coast                 99      25                    25
       Cigarette paper—
         Arab coast                 Value                          60            368
         Iraq                        99                           700
       Clarified, Batter—
         Arab coast                 Cwt.     166    170    198   6,587  5,753   8,406
         India .                              2      6             50     180
       Coal and Coal Tar—
         Iraq                       Value                                131     150
         Arab ooast                 Cwt.    106     295   1,014  9,240  13.045  31.191
         Iraq                                66     455    122   2,250  18,239  2,940
         Persian ooast                              288    212          16,620  6,344
       Coir and Coir rope—
         Arab ooast               . Value
         Person coast                                    • •
   454   455   456   457   458   459   460   461   462   463   464