Page 503 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 503

Report on the Trade of Kuwait for the year 1939-40.

                           {1st April 1939 to 3 hi March 1940.)

                              Major A. C. Galloway, O.B.E.,

                                   Political Agent. Kuwait

                                                10.  Labour.—See last report.
                        PART L                  11.  The year 1930-10.—By tn > end of the year
                                               the war had no appreciable effect on Kuwaiti
          1.  General.—See Trade Report for 1938-39.
          2.  Currency.—'The price of the sovereign fluc­
        tuated between Rs. 20 and Rs. 08 during the year.   12.  Imports.—Imports showed a slight rise
        At the close it stood at Rs. 35.       over last year’s figure, chiefly from India and
                                               the Persian Coast.
          3.  Weights and Measures.—No change.
                                                Analysis of imports are : 3*88 per cent, from
          1 Pearl Fishing.—Value of the catch was   the Arab Coast; 44 84 per cent, from India ;
        approximately Rs. 1,80,000.            7*86 per cent, from Iraq ; 18’23 per cent, from
                                               the Persian Coast; O’M per cent, from the
          5. Cutoms Administration ")
              and Lighterage.   1              United Kingdom ; 4*77 per cent, from Japan ;
                                               and 20’28 per cent, from other countries.
          6. Sea Fisheries.     )-See last report.  13.  Exports.—There was a general and notice­
                                               able drop in exports from Kuwait both by
          7.  Freights Shipping and |          steamer and country craft. This is mainly
             Navigation.       j               accounted for by war conditions and the necessity
                                               to preserve stocks.
          8.  Communications.—Negotiations were con­
        cluded for the taking over by Messrs. Cable and   14.  Rainfall—
        Wireless Ltd. of the Postal and Telegraphic
        services in Kuwait. They are at present run   April 1939  .          4*91*
        by the Iraqi Government.
                                                    December 1939            024'
          9.  Boat Building.—Nineteen large boats   January 1940
         valued at between ten and thirty thousand                           OW
         rupees each were built during the year in   February 1940           *4r
         addition to a large number of smaller craft.
                                                    March 1940 .  • •        014'
          The chief boat-builders of Kuwait are :
                                                15. Public Health and Medical.—The health of
              1. Thinayyaa.                    the town remained good during the year, and
                                               there were no epidemics.
             2. A1 Saqr.
                                                A Syrian doctor was engaged by the Kuwait
             3. Haj Ahmad.                     Government. He is in-charge of the State
                                               Dispensary and is assisted by a dresser and »
             4. Shaheen AJ Ghanim.             compounder.
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