Page 504 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 504


                             PARTIL                                PART in.
                             (A) Trade.
                                                                           Average katx rn
                 (1)  General conditions.—No material change.
                 (2)  Sew items ojftradc,—A Company for the   Mouths.
               supply of drinking water was formed during the             100 Maria  Sovereign.
               year. Capital subscribed amounted to Rs. 1,00,000          Dollars.
               half of which was taken up by the State and the
               balance privately.
                                                                           Ra. a.   Rs. A.
                 Water i* brought over from Fao in boats be­
               longing to the Company and stored in cement   April, 1939  .  83 0    23 11
               reservoirs. The fleet consist* of niie boat* valued   May, 1939   .  85 0  23 9
               at Rs. 55,000.
                                                    Juno, 1939              85 0     23 7
                 The price of water is about one anna for eight
               gallons.                             July, 1939   .          93 0     23 8
                 (3)  Foreign competition.—-So change.  August, 1939 .      99 0     23 0
                 (4)  Russians.—Nfl.                 September, 1939       104 0     25 4
                 (5) Japanese and their ncthods.—Nothing fresh  October, 1939   100 0  28 2
                     to report.
                                                     November, 1939         98 0     28 3
                                                     December, 1939        102 8     44 <
                            (B) Financial.
                 No change.                          January, 1940.        103 0     42 0
                                                     February, 1940        103 0     42 2
                            (Q Taxation.
                                                     March, 1940 .         102 0     35 1
                 No change.
                                                      Additions to List of Prominent Merchants.
                            (D) Military.
                                                       The following new shops were opened during the
                 NiL                                 year under review in addition to those mentioned
                                                     in last year’s list:—___________________ ________
                           (E) Agriculture.
                                                           Name.               Line
                 No change.
                                                      1. Abdul Mohoin El Khi rail  Grocer and a dealer in picco-
                             (F) Industry.              and Mohommed      gooda.
                                                        El Mat rook.
                 (0 General.—NIL                      2. Mohommod Eiddiq  Dealer in piocegoods.
                 (»*) Development of mineos—S\L       3. Sanjid Hashim .   Ditto.
                                                      4. Khalid Eaaid    Grocer and money lender.
                    (G) Comxnomcatii  and Transport.
                                                      6. Abdurraheen Awadhi .  Grocer and a dealer is
                 Xi) General.—No change.                                  piocegooda.
                                                      6. Ahmad El Homsidi  Dealer in pieoegooda.
                 (•i) Air Service.—Imperial Airways discontinued
                     calling at Kuwait daring the year.  7. Salih El Homaidi  Grocer.
                                                      8. Ahmad bin Nabar  Dealer fta pfeoegooda
                             (H) Social.
                                                      9. AJZahim .       Grocer.
                  (*) Standard of living.—No change.
                                                     10. Salim El Abdurrahman  Do.
                  (»») Employment.—So change.            A1 Abdorrexxaq.
                                                     11. Miahari El Uilal .  Do.
                 (»»0 Evidence of emigration.—So change.
                                                     12. Fahad El Flaij and  Piecegoods, eemest, ten«
                 (so) Municipal services.—So change.     Brother*.        sugar and dates.

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