Page 506 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 506
Import* of Principal Article* by Steamer* during &e ycar> 1937-38, 1938-39 and 1939-40.
Drscairriox or Annexe*.
1937-38 193B-39 1939-40 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40
Rb. Ra. R«.
Anchors . Nob. 76 72 138 7 GO 1.800 2.070
Building material Value 420
Carpets and rug* 18,600 7.000 500
Cart rid -is, Sporting Boxes 82 118 50 5,840 8.R50 7.400
Cement . C»ta. 55,517 61.025 72,735 56.072 00,910 1.27,754
Charcoal 2,951 906 5,902 5,524
Cigarette Paper Case* 48 1,200
Coal and coal tar Value
Coffee Ota 377 5,138 6,294 2,62,560 1,93,3*3. 1,91,010
Coir and Coir Rope . Valu 5,56(1 5.700 4,912
Cotton . Cuts. 291 402 420 12.060 10,500
Drug* Value I* 07,180 49,870
Fruit 2.690 4.466 4,425
Guna, Sporting . . 600 1,323 1,800
Hardware and Glassware 8,61,125 9,86,930
Iron, Ironware „ . 7,789 10,102 18,098
Machinery 3,420 7,500 7,500
Matches. . ft 89,150 3.875 52,500
Metal Sbeeta 861 3.925 1,365
Motor Can, Cycles and Acceeeoriea No* 35 60 S8 72,5(0 1,58,150 2,53,900
Nuta, Ewcrt . 2,592
Oil, Crude Value .. S 5.610 7.450
Oil. Kc rceene . Galls. 125,108 133.2^48 (:iiu)29.^78 60.554 66,642 59,156
Oils (other*) Value 60,272 17,355 23,013
Old Clothing 12.800 7,500 45.615
Oniooa Cats. > 2,522 2,323 7,656 14,126 11.615
Paints and Coloara Value 375
Percussion Capa. Ca*ca 5 9 2 2,050 720 140
Petrol aad Bcnzxn Galia. 165,664 327,176 42,742 1,41,421 1,42.382 1,49,597
Piecegooda Value 5,20,000 9,80,700 10,75,150
Pistol, Rounds . 2.80
Rice Cwta. 99,220 149,278 99,360 5,29,176 8.95.671 9,75,320
8aod VjJue 155 2,336
Sesame . Cats. 330 4,400
Soap Value 5.180 2,121 3,230
Specie . 99 4^0,343 1,56,897 43,304
Starch 99 1,035 800
Saccharine . 99 375
Sugar, Loaf Cwta. 1,400 12,355 12,600 6,000
Sugar, Soft 99 39,568 58,954 1,30,736 2,3 7,408 8,84,310
Tallow 38 6 2<;o 7,080 6,942 1,300
Tamarind 99 22*8 1,143 1,845 1,140 9,144
Tea. 99 2,994 4,486 2,02.831 1,79.640 3,36,100
Timber .... Value 670 2.099 465
Tobacco .... Cats. 1,737 20,680 5,805 100
Tugboats. Noa. 53,400
Vegetable Products . Value 21,499
Wheat Floor . Cwta. 1.262 364 2.034 3,786 2,912
Ankles not specified shore Value 21,074 6,68,724
Total 43,90,046 48,97,619