Page 510 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 510
TABLE D—covcld.
Imports of Principal Articles by Steamers during tbe years 1937-38, 1938-39 and 1939-40—concia.
Qcastitt. Valve.
Articles ixv fames or corNTRirs iron wmcn
1937-33 1938-39 1939-40 1937-38 1933-39 193949
Ra. Ra. Rs.
India . Cwta. 309 228 1,143 1,815 1,140 9.141
India ... ft 2,249 2,739 4,180 1.30.390 1,04,310 3,12,r/0
.Japan . . . ft 1,125 255 200 39,375 15,300 10.W
Other Coanlrioa ft 451 100 27,000 7.500
India Value 670 2,099 465
India . Cwta. 1,001 831 10,0 to 2.7S5
Iraq IG 1,200
■Other Countries . 99 914 906 20 9,440 3,020 100
Other Countries . . Value 53,400
Vegetable Products—
India ft 6,811
.Other Countries . 99 12,088
Japan .... • • 3,000
TVheat Flour—
India .... Orta.' 339 UG2 36-1 2,034 3,7S6 2,912
.Articles not specified above-
India .... Value 8,530 3,87,791
Iraq .... 570
Persian Coast ■ 99 7,774 9.870
‘Other Countries 99 1,950 98^00
United Kingdom . 99 99 2,500
. Japan. . . ft 250 7WO
Total 2S.87.013 37,06,901 48.97,519
Import*, of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during tbe yean 1937-38,1938-39 and 1339-40.
Qoastttt. Value.
Dzscnzmon or Anuxa
1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40
Re. Rs. Rs.
Animals and Birds—
'Camels Nos.
'Coirs . , *101 102 43 3,335 2,550 IMS
Docksjs ft 14 9 450
.Barks . 72 *1*800 420
Sheep sad Goats ft 1,179 041 IMS
ft 216 8,253 3,205