Page 513 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 513
TABLE F—contd.
reports of Principal Articles by Sailing Croft during the years 1937-33* 1933-39 and 1939-40—contd.
QrAjrrrrr. Value.
Articles and maxes of cocstwes from wincn
1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40
Ra. Ra. R*l
Arab Cloak*—
Iraq Value 4,400
Persian OvaS 2fi,*KK) 30,000 02,009
Arab Coast 400 400
India . ft 24,000 77,556 2,844
Arab Coa^t . •9 45 2,742
Other Countries fl 250 247
Bamboos, SfJit—
India H 2,721 5,430 10,521
Arab Court 09 37 30 395
Iraq Cwta. 234 29.109 2,231 540 70,005 4,977
Persian G'JJut M 08,593 32,070 00,478 1,00/*51 78,408 2,05,387
Arab Coxift Non. 9 225
Bu3ding Materials—
Arab Coa*et Value 130
Iraq 501 264
India . 70 7,054
India No*. 14 26 280 520
Arab Covet Value U75
Iraq 4,738
Persian Coart M 57r940 92,000 1,19,551
Arab Coast Ota. 246 532 902 492 1,333 1,972
India . 5,212 10,704 6,344 10,424 21,528 17,673
Persian Coast 99 510 44 84 I/F20 132 234
Iraq 79 63 158 128
Arab Coast Value 780
Cigarette P*p*r—
Iraq H 9/XX) 1J00
Arab Coast 99 lj650
Persian Coast 100
In/liA . J00
CUriftod Batter—
Arab Coast . Cwta. 385 17 17,355 255
Persian Coast 11 495 2*430
Coal and Coal Tar—
Iraq Value *54 »
India 1*430
99 9 9
Arab Coant Cwta. 26 41 860 1,320 99
Iran , II
India . 99 SI 1,000 9 •
Oilier Cowntries m + 0 199