Page 512 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 512
TABLE E-----condd.
Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1937-33, 1938-39 and 1939-40—cordf/.
Pesciuitios or Articles.
1937-38 193839 1939-10 1937 38 1938 39 1939-40
Re. Its. IU
Sail Cfctfc . Value 11.080 18,198
Salt Cwta. 2,722 5,180 1,301 2,onr, 1A>3
Sesame Value 1,193
Soap M 497 9,3* >0 1.022
Spices 7,917 3,273 23,111
Sucar. Soft Cats. 40 100
Tallow . 626 37 ft 2,923 13.211 0,7.70 15.707
Tamnrinl 8,880 7.3S1 18,108 44,389 30.917 32,491
Tanning Powder VaTuo 7,718
Tea Cwts. 6,390 103 211 2,79,770 0.18*1 7,521
Tim her . . Value 50,771 3,82,087 1,34.42*1
Tobacco . Cwta. 2/»98 2.3S2 1,459 80,771 03,700 48,721
VerraictJS Value 447 396
Water . 1.97,1'W 1,97,100 2,00,000
Wheat Cals. 30,658 15,013 18,482 1,02,395 70,432 81.554
Wheat Flour 13,303 43,912 19,010 8i».2'»8 1,32/h»8 1,40,754
Wool 110 125 GO 2,285 1,287 5,700
Art-ides cot apecificd above Value 11.337 0,077 30,180
Total 17.70,527 24,39,060 23,50,416
Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1937-33, 1938-39 and 1939-40.
Quaxtitt. Value
Articles akd saxes or countries from which
1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40
Ra. Re. Re.
Animals and Birds—
Camels . Noa.
Iraq 90 77 43 3,265 1,925 1,54*
Penasaa Coast 99 2 24 70 800
Arab Coast .
99 1 25
Arab Coast 14 9 420 450
Iraq m • •
Persian Coast 67 1,675
Arabia* Coast 99 6 9 9
99 125 99
Ebcep and Goats
Arab Coast 99 30 2 210 10
Iraq •• 236 144 149 1,652 720 1^90
Persian Coast * 99 ii>3 495 67 6,391 2,475 268