Page 511 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 511
TABLE E—conti.
import, of Principal Article* by Sailing Craft during tie year. 1937-38, 1938-39 and 193i-40-<»m«f.
Quaktitt. Vaux
Drsoumox or Abtiolis.
1937-38 1938-39 1039-40 1937-38 1938-39 1339-40
R*- Ra. Bo.
Arab Cloaks . Value 30,400 26.400 82,409
Bamboos . 2,788 5.4C0 10,910
Bam loo* Split « 68.81.7 61,839 98,709 1,60,597 1,48.413 2,70,364
Barley Cwta. 0 225
Bicycles . Not 701 264 7,684
BuiMing Materials Value 280 620
Canoes Non. 14 28 57,840 96,500 1^5,464
Carpets . Value 11,404 330 12,094 23,119 19,879
Charreal . « Cwta. 047 780
Cigarettes Value 1,300
Cigarette Paper 10,650 3,420 255
ClariEed Butter CVts. 396 93 17 17,880 1.460
Coal ud Coal Tar Value 850 2.320 169
Coffee Cwta. 25 72 72,995 77,384 99,636
Coir and Coir Ropo Value 3 8,245 Sr25 75
Cottoa . ' Cwta. 173 100 3,84,428 5,84,553
Dates 117,455 173.S8 V 162,870 1,00,175 18,159 17,184
Date Stones 27,23 S 3.151 2,647
Date Syrup Vdnc 1,784
Dyes and Col osro M 19,132 18,177
Earthenware 99 201 6,418 740
Edible Seeds r» 490 1.300
Electrical Implement 5,820
Firewood . . • 99 7,511 26,833 19,428
Fins, Shark 8
Fish Dried W 6,035 3.742 3,828
Fish Maws 41,185 46.796 31.139
Fruit ... 20,884
Furniture . • • 3.894 10,115 9.487
Grow, Hay and Straw
Ground Nuts 6,600 5,920 22^093
Gunny bags. Empty . 99 3,935 14.650
Hardware and Glassware ri 22,476 16,510 4^063
Henna . . rt 1,539 7.469
Hides and Skins 8,850 2,020 1,269
Iron and Ironware u 4,830 14,162 2,253
Kerosene Oil Galls. 184 230 22
Lamb Skins Value 1,20.800 8,888
I.ime . • • Cwta. 425 704 693 212 900 3,003
Limes, Dried . 423 394 246 9,795 7.880 7,639
Machinery . > Value 8,995 19,020 32,793
Mats 99 13,320 266
Matches .
Metal 1,500
Motor Cars . . No. 2
Nut*. Desert Value 831 210
Oil, Crude . • 09 41,094 1,473
Oil. Fab . 38,340 7.452 37,534
Oil. Other Sorts. • 99 7,416 3,702
Old clothing . . 99 11,624 12J609 14,183
Oni Cwta. 2^07 64*8 491
Pepper, Black Value
Pirctgoods 9,450 25.150 48,066
Pulses • Cwta. 4,923 0,049 428 19,684 10,916 13,872
Rafters . Value 85,725 96,040 69,502
Herds •• 1,640 3.101 847
_______ I • Cwta. 4412 21498 *500 23,263 14V92 70*470
Roes Water Value 6,029 J413 6*423