Page 258 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
P. 258
I.—-Statement of the survey work done by the officers of the Bombay Marine and Indian Navy in the
Persian Gulf.
Region covered by Low's History of
Year. Officers employed. the survey. the Indian Navy. Reports or memoirs. Charts.
Volume I.
Lieutenant Robinson and Mekran and a port Pages 185#/ uq MS. of tho survey in existence some 70
Lieutenant Porter (in the of Persia. years ogo.
Lieutenant John Me* The Persian coast as Pages 188*189...
•7*5 a sheets.
Cluer. far as Sbat*el*Arab
and then ns far ns
Basrah, also a plan
of the cove of
Maskat, drawings
of various part* of
the coast.
l8ao '■plain Guy with Cap* Arabian cotst of the Pages 404 it uq. A memoir of Captain Guy’s survey drawn
tiln Brocks. Persian Gulf. up by Lieutenant Houghton in tne India
1830-30 Captain Bracks with Persian Golf Poges 405 it uq. 14 Charts (see page
Lieutenants Haines, 406 of Volume I o*
Kempthorne, Cogan, Law's History ot
Pinching, Ethersey, the Indian Navy.
Whitelock and Lynch.
Captain Bracks ... Memoir descriptive of ihc navigation of the
Persian Gulf (Bootbjy Selection1 No. 94,
pages 537-6J4 )
Lieutenant Kempthorne ess Notes on identification of places touched
at by Kearchu*, on the ancient commerce
0! the Gulf and o navMit to t'ne ruins of
Thane, R. C S. Journal V, page 36; Bombay
G. S. Journal I. page 194, XIII, page 125.
Volume II.
Lieutenant F. Whitelock Page 85 Description of the islands at the entrance
of the Gulf. Narrative of a jou n«y in Oman.
R. G. S J^. VIII (1638), Bombay G. S. J.,
1835-40 Lieutenant J. R. Wellsted Oman, Arabia, and Pages 85-86 ... (l) Narrative of a journey into tho interior
(with Lieutenant F. Mesopotamia. of Oman R. G. S. J., VII, 1S37.
(3) Travels in Arabia, 1838.
(3) Travels to tho city of the Caliphs, 1840.
1833.37 Captain Haloes, with South coast of Page* 80 it uq Memoirs to accompany the chart of the South’Ba it Coast
Lieutenants Sander*, Arabia. south coast of Arabia by Captain Haines. of Arabia, by
Crottendan, Grieve. Parts I and II, R. G. S. J., IX, page 12$ Haines, 3 sheets
Rennie and Dr. Hulion and XV, page 104. (1836). North.Bast
(10 the Palinurui). Coast of Arabia, by
Short memoir of tho proceedings of the Saonders and Grieve
East Compmy’s Brig Palinurui, R. G. S. (1849). Kuria Muria
J., XVI, page 169. /stands, by Haines
Journal of an excursion into Dofar by Mid- (1837), Cut/ tf
Masetra, by Gr.eve,
sh pman Cruttendeo, B. G. S. J., I. a sheets, 1847.
'.ruttenden'i Journal, dated Palinurui,
March 16th, 1836 (MS. in the India Office.)
Account of the Kuria Muria Islands, R. G. S.
J., XI, page 16, Bombay G. S. J., III.
Dr. Curler's works:—
1844-48 Captaio Sanders with South coast of rages 214 it uq. (j) Account of the ruins of El-Belled (in
Lieutenants Fell, Con Arabia. Doiar). R. G. S.J., VII, pago 325
stable,-Ward, Whisb,ar.d (with a plate and addition).
Assistant Surgeon H.
J. Carter (Naturalist
and Geo!ofi»t). The (2) Notes on the Garrah tribe. Journal of
work completed by Bombay Br. R. A. S., II.
Lieutenant Grieve on
1848 assisted by Lieu (3) Notes on the Mahrah tribe with vo
tenant Ward. cabulary of their language and (urther
notes on the Garrah, Ibid.
(4) Description of the Frankincense tree
of Arabia, Hid.
(5) Geographical description of south-east
cosst of Arabia, w'th an essay on the
comparativo G'ography _ of that
coast. Bombay Br. R. A. S. J., HI.
(6) Igneous Rocks of Maskat nod Its
neighbourhood, etc. Ibid.