Page 261 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
P. 261
Pciiod during which dclnined in
i: Year. Namej of the ships. the I'ctsian Gill or Gull Important service engaged in.
of Oman,
187677 !!. M's. Gunboat Vcilal.
1877-78 ... Rifleman The ships were especially employed at Maskat and Basrah.
Ti c Tenter was employed in overawing the rebels at Matrah
Teaser. ami Maskat. I he Arab was also sent for protection of
Maskat. In October 1877 the Vulture destroyed a flotilla
Arab. of private boats on the Katif Coast.
Daphne. In March 1878 ti c Naval Commandcr-in-ChicI visited Maskat
and Lingah in the Euryalns.
1878-79 ... Teaser.
18:9-80 ... Beacon Ti c Ready procce 'cd in June 1879 to Gwadur to protect the
British subjects the Riudi of ManJ. The Political
Vulture. Agent, s-ajor Evan Smith, visited the chict towns on Batineh on the Vulture. The Ready was sent to Khare
Ready. J.i email whr-h Iwri beco 1 c an object of contention between
the pco,-1c of R s-cl II «d and those of Sur, and through her
p a satistaci'o-y, though tempo ary, arrangement of
the dispute afrccted.
18818] ... (l) II. M. S. Beacon (i) left in May 18S2. and The Ready sent to Sfcsnah on 24th March 1882 to warn the
Uii'ish Indians, when the . u tan proceeded to take Masnaah
(•) •• Ra ngcr (a) took her place, but was remov from Ibrahim-bcn**-hia*. She returned on 27th March,
ed in October, when lie Uty.ul captured three slave dhows o.l the southein
coast of Arabia.
o) Ready 13) came.
•» (4) and (s) continuously in the
(4) Dryad
(J) Woodlark
i63a-8j ... (1) Dryad (l) left in July iSSa The Ready proceeded '.o Masnaah to watch events in April
and ic-'.urrcd after its capture by the Sultan, with several
(3) • • Woodlark (a) and (3) continuously in the wounded men.
(3) Arab
(4) Eclipse (6j left in May 1SS2.
(51 joined in December lE8a.
(5) Philomel
(«) Ready (3) and (3) continuously id the Gulf-
1883-84 ... (I) Woodlark (1) left in November 1S83 The Philomel sent In October 1883 to Matrah in order to savo
the town from being taken ny Seyyed Abdul Asia's force, and
(») Arab (2) left in July 1883. fired shells over the place. The siege continued for 3 days and
was ultimately saved by friendly tribes coming to the rescue
(3) Philomel. ol the Sultan.
(4) Dragon. In November 18-3 Co'onel Miles proceeded in the Philomel
on lour 10 the Kuria Muria Islands and Dhofar.
1884-85 ... (0 Philomel (1) left in October 1884 ... In December 1884 Colonel Miles proceeded on the Dragon to
Ras Fartak to present rewards to certain chiefs there for
(3) Dragon (2) left in January 1885. their services in succouring the shipwrecked crew o( the
(3) Ranger (3) joined in January 1885.
(4) Briton (4) was in the Gulf from 21st
December to 24th March.
1883-86 1*. (I) Osprey (1) joined in May 1885 and left
in March 1886.
(3) •• Reindeer (2) Joined i-i August 1885.
(3) Ranger (3) left in October 1885.
(4) •• Philomel K( (4) joined in September and Ie't
in January 18S6.