Page 259 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
P. 259
/._Statement of the survey work done by the officers of the Bombay Marine and Indian Navy in the
Persian Gulf— contd.
Region covered by Low's History of
Year. Officers employed. the Survey. the Indian Navjr. Reports or memroirs. Chans.
1859 Lieutenant Whish Harbour of Bahrein... Memoir of Bahrein, Bo. G. S. J., XVI, page
Descriptive sketch ol the island of Jibbleea,
Kuna Mu'ia Bay. Do. G. S. J., XV, 1819.
1857-60 ... Lieutenant C Constable Persian Gulf Pages 403 el stq. (1) Me:voir relative to the Hydroeraohy of
with Lieutenant Stifle. the l'ersi.«n Gulf. Bo. G. S. J., XII, page
9t» a 1854-56).
(2) Letter on the Physical Geography of the
Persian liulf. Bo. S. I., XV (November
Lieutenant A. W. Stifle (1) A visit to the hot springs of Basher
near Maskat. Bo G. S. J., XV.
(31 Report on the line of telegraph from
Raj jask to Basrah, Bo.u. S. J., XVII.
II.—Surveys in Turkish Arabia and Arabistan.
1836-30 ... Lieutenant Henry Ormsby Lower Tigris Volume II. Fages His adventures are described in Wellsted's
3a et stq. Travels to the City of Caliphs.
Captain Henry Blosse The Mesopotamian Pages 44 et icq,... (1) Note on a part of the river Tigris be* Map of the Tigris
>837S6 •••
Lynch with his brother rivers and towns. tween Bagdad and Samarra and R. G. S. on a scale of la in.
Michael Lynch, Lieut J.. IX. page 471 (1839)- ches to a degree.
enants Felia Jones, Cam-
bel Selby and Grounds (a) Note accomptnying a survey of the Tig.
tin the Nitoeris, Nimrod risfrom Ciexiphoo to Mosul. Ibid, page 441.
(3) Memoir of the river Euphrates, in 3 parts
to accompany the map. Bo. G. S. J., VI.,
page 169.
(4) Memoir of the country between Bagdad
and Hamri.i Hills by Lieutenant Grounds.
Uid, Vol. VI.
Commander Felix Jones (1) The Tigris from Pages 408 et stq. (1) Account of ascent on the Tigtis, 1846,
who succeeded Captain Bagdad to Samarra G. R. G. S. J., XVII, page 1.
Lynch (1846-1855).
Course of the ancient Preliminary remarks on the Nahrwao canal, Accompanied by ■
Nahtwan Canal. with a glance at the pa«t history of its map.
province. Bo. G. S. J., IX, May 1849—
August 1850.
Old bed of the Tigris Researches in the vicinity of the Median
and vicinity of Med wall of Xenephon and alongtheold course
ian wall and Pyscus of the river Tigris. Ibid, X, September 1850
of Xenephon. —June 1653.
Brief observations forming an appendix to
the map of Bagdad.
Country between the
Tigris and Upper
Zab, including the
tans of Ncmuch.
Lieutenant Collingwood Shat-el-Arab from All his work appears to have been lost.
who acted after Com Basrah to Marghil
mander Felix Jones had and course of the
left until arrival o( Cap Hmdiah canal.
tain Selby (April 1E61
—April 1862).
Captain Selby who suc (l) The Karun and Pages 4t4’4i5 •• (l) Account of the ascent of the rivers. R. Maps lost, but origi-
ceeded Commander Felix D’.sful rivers and the G. S. J., XIV, page 219. nal maps and field
Jones (1843-55—1S62), Ab-i-Gargar canals. books were procur
with Lieutenants Colling ed from Baghdad
wood and Bewshor. (a) The region west (a) Memior by Captain Selby (lost). and redrawn • v
of the Euphrates, in Lieutenant Collie^-
cluding the sea of wood.
Ncjcl and sites of
Babylon, Birs, Nim
rod, Kufa, etc.
Lieutenant Bewsher, 1862- The region from Tel Page 414 Memoir on the part of Mesopotamia be 7 map*.
65. Ibrahim to Samarra tween Sheriat-el-Beytha on the Tigris and
on the Euphrates. Tel Ibrahim.