Page 421 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
P. 421
The rights of search by men-of-war defined, 1903 86—88
Arms traffic between the Persian Gulf and the North-West Frontier
of India, 1903-1904 • •• Ml 89—90
Trade in arms and ammunition between Sur and Somaliland. Pro
posed appointment of a British Agent at Sur, 1904 9I—94
Traffic in arms between Maskat and Koweit. Intention of M.
Goguyer to establish a branch of his business at Koweit, 1904 95—96
Despatch to the Secretary of State on recent phases of the arms
traffic, 1904
Ml 97
Amendment of the rule in respect to the traffic in arms and am
munition at ports on the seaboard of Persia, the Persian
Gulf, Baluchistan and Gwadur, 1903 • to • tt 98—102
Proposed removal of restrictions requiring British subjects at
Maskat to submit weekly statements to the Political Agent of . .
the importation and sale by them of arms and ammunition, 1904. /
The right of the Persian Customs authorities to interfere with ves
sels carrying arms and ammunition for other than Persian j
Ports, 1904. • ' / U 3
The Arms Traffic at Koweit. . . /H-1*7
Instructions to Naval Officers in the Persian Gulf with reference to
the Arms Traffic. ;. // i- ■