Page 15 - Anglo Portuguese Rivalry in The Gulf_Neat
P. 15

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                          six years previously. This move was not only ill-timed,         ?       whilst Ru y Frey re carried the war into the enemy’s
                          but unnecessary ; for as long as the Portuguese main­           I       camp, by means of plundering flotillas of light craft
                          tained their command of the sea in the Persian Gulf,                    which he sent out to ravage the neighbouring coasts
                          they could land on Kishm and draw water from its                        and islands. No quarter was given by the Portuguese
                          wells at any time they liked ; whilst conversely, if the                during these destructive raids on the costal towns and
     t!                                                                                   1
                          mastery was allowed to pass to the English, then they           V       villages, but they did not serve to effect much more
                          would not have access to the wells at Kishm or any­                     than heighten the hatred of the Persians for their
         11               where else. These considerations, and others equally            I       savage opponents.
          is               potent, were urged upon Ruy Freyre by Fernao                              So long as Ruy Freyre held command of the sea, it
          • !                                                                             !
         : 1               d’Albuquerque and by the Captain of Ormuz, Dom                         was clear to all concerned that the Persians could
      I  , !
                           Francisco de Sousa, both of whom clearly saw that all          1       never capture Kishm fort, much less Ormuz, and it did
          •i               depended upon retaining command of the sea by .                        not take the Persian authorities long to make up their
         v!                defeating the English off Jask. The hot-headed Ruy                     minds to secure the active assistance of the English, at
                           Freyre however, either would not listen to reason, or                  all costs. Both sides knew that the annual English
         !l               else despaired of defeating the English at sea \ and                    squadron to fetch the silks, would be due off Jask in
                          gained his own way by producing at a full council                       November or December as usual. Both Fernao de
                          meeting held in Ormuz Castle,  the Royal orders for                     Albuquerque and Dom Francisco de Sousa had urged
         r                the speedy erection of a fort at Kishm.                                 upon Ruy Freyre the importance of waylaying the
         I;                  Accordingly on 7th May, 1621, Ruy Freyre left                        English off this port in order to prevent at any price
         : !              Ormuz for Kishm at the head of an expeditionary                         their effecting a junction with the Persian army.1
                          corps of some 2,000 seasoned Portuguese soldiers and                    Ruy Freyre however considered that his duty lay in
          !                1,000 Arab auxiliaries, embarked in a fleet of 33 sail,                Kishm fort, which he refused to abandon, and the
                          which likewise carried the frame of the proposed fort.                  most he would consent to do, was to agree to proceed
                          A landing was effected the next day, in the face of an                  to Ormuz to take command of the galleons, on a
                          obstinate resistance by the Persian troops, and Ruy                     signal gun being fired from the castle, when and
                           Freyre at once set about the construction of the fort.         ;         1When FernSo de Albuquerque heard that Ruy Freyre had constructed
                          This was built “ of a great height and thicknesse, with                 the fort in Kishm, against nis repeated advice, with the result that he was
          1 I                                                                                     closely besieged by an overwhelming Persian force, he wrote him a letter in
                          halfe-moones and flanckers very artificially, which in                  which the following interesting lines occur: it had been just and right if
                           five moneths and a halfe hee had finished ; a thing J.                 you had considered my previous warnings, and not been so confident of
                                                                                                  yourself, before putting hand to that work; for you with your thirty years
          : 1             wonderfull in so short a time to be effected,” as a ’’
         1 1                                                                                      had not been dreamt of in this world, when I was already old in years of
          i               contemporary Englishman described it. The Persian                       experience and his Majesty’s service in these parts ; and yet they tell me that
                                                                                                  you were fully persuaded ^you could correct what my seventy years  wrote
                          forces in the island were speedily reinforced by levies
         t •                                                                                      you, in bo weighty and important a matter . . .” In this letter, the
                          from the mainland under the command of Imam Quli                        Governor also urged on Ruy Freyre the advisability of procecding'to the
         < t                                                                                      Coromandel coast after refitting his squadrom as he had news of three ill-
                           Khan who directed the operations as Governor of Fars.                  manned and newly arrived Danish vessels off that coast, which would be
                          The Persians closely besieged the fortress for nine                     an easy prey. He also suggested that Ruy Freyre could refit in Goa if
                          months, but all their efforts to take it proved vain;                   necessary, after which he could seek out the English off Swally,  or Tiwai,
                                                                                                  near Muscat. (Letter of Fem2o de Albuquerque 21/X/1621.)
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