Page 21 - Arab Navigation in the Indian Ocean (before portuguese)_Neat
P. 21

30                    ARAB NAVIGATION                                                         THE NAVIGATORS AND THEIR WORKS               31

                          measurements at the culmination of al-Sharafan and an evaluation of            quotation and in the case of Simak to a long list of proverbs. The
                          the bashi of the group. This last is really the most important feature,        story of Muhalhil and ‘Amr b. Kulthum is given in detail under
                          for the value represents the height of the Pole Star above its minimum         Zubanan and the war of al-Bassus with Muhalhil’s poetry occurs in
                          altitude at the culmination of this mansion. Thus a correction can be           the fourth fa’ida under the Farqadan. Other poetical digressions are
                          made for all Pole Star sightings if the culminating mansion is known           given under NaVim, Qalb and Zubanan. Also of note is the line
                           and if the bashi value for each mansion is remembered by the         i         of poetry (under Haq'a) used by Na$ir al-DIn Jusi as a mnemonic
                           navigator (see p. 331).                                                        for the lengths of time taken by each of the zodiacal signs to rise.
                             A similar description follows for most of the other mansions                   Finally under the last mansion (Bafn al-Hut), but inserted into
                           although sometimes there is little to write about under some of these          the middle of the section and not at the end, is a summary mentioning
                           headings. After the second or third mansion Ibn Majid begins to      :         all the other properties of stars which Ibn Majid thought unnecessary
                           give the auspiciousness and the astrological humour of the group .             to describe in detail.
                           These two features together with the date of heliacal rising, the                In the fourth fa'ida, the compass rhumbs, Ibn Majid drops the
                           value of the bashi, the description of the group and the meaning of            date of rising after the first two and substitutes the name of the lunar
                           its name are given in almost every case. But it is notable that the            mansion which culminates with the group mentioned. The descrip­
                           bashi value is omitted for the three mansions Baida, Sa‘d al-Dhabih            tion and digression on the meaning of the name is continued, but
                           and Sa'd Bui* which occur next to each other (nos. 21-3). The same             the bashi of course is not important here, neither are the stars which
                           happens with Far‘ al-Mu’akhkhir, but most of the material for this   !         are used for qiyas when the group in question culminates—although
                           mansion is included in the previous mansion which bears the same               this is given in places. In its place, as most of the compass rhumb
                           name. Also in every case (except Far5 al-Mu’akhkhir) a list of stars           stars are prominent, their own qiyas uses are given in great detail
                           used for qiyas measurements is given sometimes with a great amount             and this together with theoretical or literary digressions makes the
                           of detail. As in the case of al-Sharafan, when the stars of the mansion        body of the fa'ida.
                           are used for qiyas measurements, this information is always given                Under the Pole Star we^have a long section on compass rhumbs
                           e.g. under al-Dhira'an, Qalb, Far1 al-Muqaddam, and Batn al-Hut.               and a comparison of Indian Ocean methods with those of the
                           The section under Far1 al-Muqaddam is extremely long giving a                  Egyptians (Mediterranean Sea), a description of the relations of the
                           description of the uses'of the different stars of the Plough. In               Pole Star to the North Pole and a note on the lack of stars around
                           addition, the important positions of the Plough, Farqadan (Little              the South Pole and on the Magellanic clouds. Also the lexicography
                           Bear) and the Pole Star are given under the respective culminating             of the name is given in some detail.
                           mansions and this includes a long digression on the theory of the                Theoretical discussions on abddl and “fettered” qiyas measure­
                           bashi under the .mansions al-$arfa, al-Nathra and al-Shula. De­                ments (see p. 328) are given under Himaran and ‘Aqrab and a
                           scriptions of other stars'TOo occur in odd places. The southern                description of al-Majarra (the Galaxy) appears under Vega. Seasons
                           Dhira1 is mentioned in detail under the heading of its fellow although         are  again mentioned under Simak and under al-TIr a long theoretical
                           itself it is not a mansion. Mention of al-Haq'a gives rise to a de­            essay on the formation of winds is given. Finally most of the entries
                           scription of al-Jauza (Orion)'and Simak al-Ramih occurs under                  for Thurayya and al-Ta>ir, the nearest rhumbs to the east point,
                           Simak al-A'zal although both of these groups appear in their own               are taken up with a discussion on the tirfa (see p. 298) or rather the
                           right in the fourth faHda. Descriptions of neighbouring constel­               irregular tirfa of a rhumb so close to the east point.
                           lations occur under several mansions and under Iklil (the Crown) a               On the literary side besides the war of al-Bassus mentioned above,
                           description is given of the northern Iklil (Corona Borealis).                  the section on Thurayya contains a brief history of the Mamluke
                i            Some of these groups have seasonal uses either for sailors or for            dynasty of Egypt.                                       _ i
                           agriculturalists and these uses are sometimes mentioned (under                   The fifth fa'ida appears to be a somewhat miscellaneous collection.
                           Dhira ’an, Shula, Na ‘a 5im and the Su ‘ud). • *.                              It really consists of various odds and ends not placed elsewhere. The
                             Others give rise to digressions on literary subjects completely              first section deals with three star groups used as, rhumbs or rather
                           outside the realm of navigation:.The meanings of the words Simak,              i rhumbs, i.e. Aldebaran and al-Mir2^m (a or £ Orionis) used for
                           Thurayya and Zubanan . give. rise .to long sections of poetical                \ rhumb north of east and \ rhumb south of. east respectively and


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