Page 299 - Life of Gertrude Bell
P. 299
NOTES TO PAGES 44-62 *73
arc arrangements diametrically opposed to the progress of
organisation and the reaching of a higher life.’
44 Description of Hugh Bell. Letter from Mr John Dorman
Bolckow to author, Feb. 2nd, 1977. Conversations with
Mr John Bell Dixon. Diaries of Elizabeth Bell.
6 Round the World
45 Journey 1894, GLB Diary (April 1893-Sept. 1894). See
CEB pp. 34-6.
46 Redcar 1894, BL.
46 Switzerland, 1895, CEB.
47 London. 1896, BL.
47 Italy, 1896, BL.
47-8 Letters about London, Beckenham and Ascot, BL, UBL.
48 Mary Talbot, BL, CEB. See also Janet Hogarth, An Oxford
Portrait Gallery and The Women of My Time.
49 Berlin, 1897, UBL. Letters dated Feb. 2nd and Feb. 17th
from British Embassy. Also BL and CEB and GLB Diary
(March 1896-Aug. 1897) and ITB.
50 Mary, Lady Lascelles, BL.
50 Round-the-world cruise, BL and UBL postmarked Dec.
29 th, City of Rio dc Janeiro. Also UBL, Tokyo, March 8 th.
7 Jerusalem
53 Journey to Middle East, BL.
53 Smyrna, UBL to FB dated Dec. 5 th.
53 s.s. Rossia, BL.
53 Jerusalem, BL to FB, FIB and Elsa. UBL to Elsa dated Wed.
20th, to FB Feb. 6th and HB Feb. nth. See also Diary
(Dec. 1898-April 1900).
56 Dicksons, UBL to FB, Thursday 12th.
5<S Arabic lessons, BL, UBL.
57 Aunt Ada and Maurice, BL.
57 Elsa and Molly. See Flight of the Mind; Letters of Virginia
Woolf, Vol. 1, p. 34.
57 Monthly Cousin. Copies in University Library, Newcastle
upon Tyne, CEB.
59 Desert journey, BL, CEB. Route described in letter-diary
to HB from Ayun Musa, March 20th, 1900, BL pp. 64-75.
62 Russian consulate, BL April 22nd, 1900.