Page 302 - Life of Gertrude Bell
P. 302
276 NOTES TO PAGES 95-107
95 Hugo, BL and H/tgh Lowthian Be//hy FB and Elsa Richmond.
95 Letters from s.s. Ortona and Syria, BL, UBL of Jan/March,
April to HB, FB and Elsa.
96 Mark Sykes, BJL p. 152. Gertrude adds: ‘I’ve seen a great
deal of the Sykeses and I like them very much.’ For Sykes’s
view of Gertrude at this time, see Mark Sykes: Portrait of an
Amateur by Roger Adelson, in particular footnote 5,
Chapter 6. Gorst succeeded Cromer in 1907.
97 Bint Aarab. The literal meaning is ‘girl* or ‘daughter of the
Arab’. Gertrude’s translation, BL p. 156, is liberal.
97-9 Letters from Jabal Druse, Damascus, Baalbek, Homs,
Hama, Konia etc., BL, CEB. Also Gertrude’s Diary (Jan.
to May 1905).
98 Anatolian churches, meetings with Sir William Ramsay and
Mr George Lloyd, see BL pp. 176-87.
99 Tributes to Gertrude’s archaeological work in Asia Minor
from Sir William Ramsay, BL p. 188. See also A Thousand
and One Churches, and Hill, Antiquity.
99 Rounton and Paris 1906, CEB p. 227 et seq.
100 Visit to Anatolia 1906-7, BL pp. 191-209.
100 Letters from Cairo, Jan. 1907, BL, CEB, UBL.
100 Dinner with Cromers, BL p. 190.
100 Elsa, marriage to Commander Herbert Richmond, UBL.
Gertrude’s reaction to news of the impending wedding is
probably explained by letter to FB April 20th, CEB: ‘The
trouble is I don’t think anyone good enough for her; still
I suppose she can’t remain single for that reason ... ’ They
were married on July 8th, 1907.
101 Conversation with Fattuh, BL p. 209.
103 Sir William Ramsay, UBL to Hugo, June 14th, and BL.
104 Fattuh’s illness, UBL to FB July 18th, 1907.
104 Letter to Chirol about Ramsay, VC.
104 Captain Doughty-Wylie, VC letter from s.s. Ophir, follow
ing Morocco Conference. Expresses their shared elation at
result of conference.
105 Constantinople, UBL July 27th, ‘On board the Imogen9.
105 Return to England, BL and CEB.
12 Mesopotamia
Rounton, Cambo and London, BL and Robins, broadcast.
Euphrates journey, GLB Diary (Jan. to July 1909). G] Vol.
36, 1910, p. 513 et seq. Also, CEB and UBL, post-marked